I feel ya man...
I tend to only spend about 1 or 2 hours at most on GS at a time as I just have better things to do. I post here thinking that mabey someone will ask for help on a game or wants to talk about some cool new game coming out ect... All that is cool but man GS is simply turning into a fanboy rant place. I tend to post in the PS3 section because I thought I would get away from the fanboys but even they somehow find a way into that section and ruin the place.
Like for instance I was in a PS3 section thread talking to someone whowanted to buy Red Dead Redemptoinfor their PS3 after they played it at their friends house on their 360, and then a bunch of PS3 fanboys jumped in and yelled at the guy because he played on a 360... I was like "what's wrong with everyone"
I had a similar thing happen to me personally, someone posted a question about needing help with a quest in Oblivion in the 360 section and I jumped into the thread and gave the guy advice on the mission. But then several people "attacked" me because I play on PS3. I explained to them that the thread was about Oblivion and I can help the guy, but they didn't care.
And yes who cares if PS3 sold 30 million and 360 sold 31 million (I don't know the actual numbers just an example)
30 million is STILL alot! That means there are plenty of people to play with on both systems
Overall I am getting pretty sick of this place....
This place is great when you want an intelligent debate or discussion with mature people but sadly they are few in number these days.
I can't be arsed wasting my time arguing about sub-hd resolutions, who has more or better exclusives and why the CoD series is a bad game etc.
I can slowly feel my IQ level dropping every time I stupidly enter one of those threads.
I REALLY find the "PS3 vs 360 multiplat lens of truth" threads to be the dumbest...
1.I seriosly doubt that anyone sees any difference in the first place with thier naked eye in the 90% of multiplats that come out. If there was no Lens of truth sites fanboys wouldn't be arguing about them.
2.The differences in multiplats are SO small and insignificant that no sane person would care about it or notice it. Come on... does anyone REALLY care if their game has a small extra leaf on a tree or a 2% invisible frame rate difference, I seriously doubt it. All lens of truth does is just nipticks things to exploit fanboys for money, the fanboys are the ones gettingtaken advantage of lol.
I bet that I could take a picture of the SAME game on the SAME system and on the SAME TV and label on picture as PS3 and the other as 360 and people would be arguing about differences that don't even exist.
Because that's basically what lens of truth does as the differences are so insignicant they arn't even noticible in the first place.
That's why whenever I see a multiplat comparison thread I just ignore it as I just know that there is nothing intelligent going on int there...
Pretty much, when I buy Multi-plats I get it on the system that has better controls for that type of game, not the one that has 5 extra leaves on a tree.
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