I've been trying to figure this one out for a while. Bill Gates masterminded a revolutionary OS. So revolutionary that 95% of people reading this will have bought a copy. For this reason he is rich but to his credit he donates more to charity than any other self made business man, particularly to childerns charities. During the awesome PS2 era microsoft brought out the xbox which provided at least some competition for Sony which is always a good thing. Whether you like the new PS or the 360 why hate a company that has stopped the console market from becoming stagnant and offers, more than any company, some of their wealth to those less fortunate? Are people just jealous?Do people just irrationally believe that Microsofts' success must be the product of some evil doing?If you have all the relevant information its pretty hard to distinguish the practices of a firm like MS from any other.
All those MS haters please could you provide me with some informed, valid reasons.
(Next up is Sony..)
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