and when I consider the half-dozen holes in your argument....:lol:
Look I'm in grade twelve (taking a 13th year for more courses 8)) and have younger siblings. Ive seen first hand how this gen has developed among youthsince grade 9 five years ago. 360 is much much much more popularamong students, and kids. (this shouldn't be a surprise given the popularity of games like halo). For me owning a ps3 in 2007 was something I was scared other might find out beacuse I didn't want others to laugh at me.As for common sense look at ps3s price point during the last few years compared to 360. 360 muliplate wise was seen as doing the same for cheeper + halo, l4d, geow, ect. Parents would much rather buy the 360 or wii for there kids then a ps3. To casuals ps3 is just starting to take off as a better product.
here, I'll apologize for the sarcastic eye-rolling crap.
but generalizing little kids isn't exactly the best way to go about this. Partly because it isn't necessarily easy to figure their age out. Yes, high-pitched voices are a good sign of it, but a high pitched voice doesn't mean they are annoying in terms of rudeness or acting like idiots. I say that older people prove themselves to be the just as rude, as that's what I've run into.
some people perceive the little kids trying to encourage team-work as annoying, it's the wrong way to characterize someone. you might not like what they're saying, and it's again going to be based off their voice, but are they being idiots? is that being rude?
I'm not trying to say that PSN or Steam are worse than XBL, at all. It's probably the same, and there is no accurate statistic to provide, which is why I promptly called you out on that.
I can see a slight correlation between price points and a parent's decision, but I can easily argue that an Xbox Live subscription is going to push a parent's boundaries. in fact, I could go as far to say it weeds out little kids. But it's pretty obvious there are spoiled brats out there, that cannot be refuted.
another thing is that the PS3 doesn't come standard with a microphone. Basically that plays a big role in who you're going to hear and what will be said.
I'm not trying to be some type of Moses for these little kids, but when accurate statistics can't be provided and I myself find the worst things about the online community to be coming from older players just as much as the young, I refuse to agree.
and by throwing in some of the things I've said, I'm not trying to play it off like you said a lot of those things yourself, but more of how you insinuated them.
and attitude towards another console isn't really the best way either, I'm sure in Japan the kid with an Xbox 360 gets plenty of flak, just because of one particular happening doesn't make the attitude universal.
Sorry for the denial laugh, you make good points. I suppose another possibility is that because of 360s larger user base there'sa larger number of immature aswell asrespectable players .However its usuallyeasier to remember a immature individual yelling and screaming then it is to remember those other normal well played games.
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