It's ridiculously ****ing stupid.
Of course it's in your opinion, you said it.
This topic is locked from further discussion.
The first one usually gets flamed more often
Yeah, it's stupid. I only say it when I want to emphasise I'm voicing my opinion rather than making a general statement.
It's even more stupid when you say something, and someone else says 'well, that's just your opinion'. Uh, yeah, obviously. Now try and counter it with a reasonable arguement.
Blog it.[QUOTE="Tweetie-Pot"][QUOTE="iBear-"]
It's ridiculously ****ing stupid.
Of course it's in your opinion, you said it.
GS internet police oh no
Seriously? How old are you?
- The PS3 is better than the 360
- The PS3 is better than the 360 imo
The first one usually gets flamed more often
Who cares?
Point of SW is to flame eachother.
People who use IMO should either be...
1. On General Discussion
2. In their Parent's Basement
3. All of the above
you should of seen the guy with the justin bieber sig and always say 'in my educated opinion' or something.
- The PS3 is better than the 360
- The PS3 is better than the 360 imo
The first one usually gets flamed more often
Who cares?
Point of SW is to flame eachother.
People who use IMO should either be...
1. On General Discussion
2. In their Parent's Basement
3. All of the above
They use IMO to distinguish between people who claim opinion as fact, and those who actually recognize opinions for what they are. It's not usually necessary, but because of overwhelming fakeboys/fanboys, it's become necessary to clarify so valid opinions are not overlooked.
Seriously? How old are you?[QUOTE="Tweetie-Pot"][QUOTE="iBear-"]
GS internet police oh no
Old enough that i don't care what people on the internet think of me anymore.
Fantastic.They use that because if you don't you would get flamed because they would think what your stating is fact and try to prove you wrong for example somebody could post Nintendo is the best company in the world but they would get flamed if they didn't have proof or if they didn't put IMO at the end of their post. Still even if they have proof they would still get flamed like one person he made a thread that said that it had the rating of every Nintendo system that one site graded each system from 1 star to 6 stars and they still got flamed because they disagreed with that sites grades.
- The PS3 is better than the 360
- The PS3 is better than the 360 imo
The first one usually gets flamed more often
Who cares?
Point of SW is to flame eachother.
People who use IMO should either be...
1. On General Discussion
2. In their Parent's Basement
3. All of the above
I don't think you understand the point of SW. the point of SW is to argue about which system is best. You'll get banned for flaming people here.
and people put IMO after everything because a large group of people who participate on these forums have issues distinguishing fact from opinion. often times people even try to claim their opinion as fact. the acronym IMO helps those people of varying intelligence understand the intent of the poster.
but according to your logic "of course it's your opinion, you said it":
the PS3 is more expensive than the Wii. is that statement my opinion? I said it.
now watch the TC not respond any more.
You are asking too much ;)
Let's say there is a difference if someone says "XBOX PWNZ PS3, LOLOL" or if he says "Xbox is better than PS3 IMO". It basically implys that he thinks so and that there is no further need to discuss that with him.
It's no more stupid than the ridiculous nicknames people have for fanboys here (lems, sheep herms etc.). People are fanboys, period. Just call them xbox fanboys, nintendo fanboys etc.It's ridiculously ****ing stupid.
Of course it's in your opinion, you said it.
no cause ppl on this board think other ppl say things as if they are saying a some of us put imo so we can calm them down before they get on their high horse and start mouthing off...imo. :PcampzorExactly.. so if i say: PS3 is the best console... I'll get a beat down by angry fanboys whereas if i said: PS3 is the best console imo... It's less factual and not been said as it were truth or fact. Just deal with it, it's nothing more than a preference call to show people your not starting an argument.
- The PS3 is better than the 360
- The PS3 is better than the 360 imo
The first one usually gets flamed more often
Who cares?
Point of SW is to flame eachother.
People who use IMO should either be...
1. On General Discussion
2. In their Parent's Basement
3. All of the above
No, you can actually be moderated for flaming. The point of System Wars is to compare systems. Usage of "imo" can be the difference between trolling, thus setting the forums ablaze, and simply stating your opinion.If someone says "Halo: Reach is better than Killzone 2" It looks like they're presenting this as a fact but if I put "imo" after it, its my opinion so then no one can flame me.
Right here. I've seen many times where someone would say IMO just to get escape from a discussion and it's so silly. Saying "IMO" is probably one of the most redundant things on these forums.It's a get-out-of-jail-free card for weak arguments.
If someone says "Halo: Reach is better than Killzone 2" It looks like they're presenting this as a fact but if I put "imo" after it, its my opinion so then no one can flame me.
You'd most likely get flamed anyway.....
It's a get-out-of-jail-free card for weak arguments.
you can elaborate on your points and form a strong argument, but an opinion will remain an opinion. for example, If I were to give you 20 well thought out reasons to why I think the PS3 is better than the Wii (or why quake is better than CoD, or why the jrpg genre is more stale than the fps genre), it doesn't make it a factual statement...and many people (namely trolls) will claim it as factual. It's a way to indicate that you're not just trolling. By putting imo at the end of that argument (the PS3 + Wii example), does that what would be a strong argument weak?
if that were the case, you should have added imo to the end of your weak argument.
you can elaborate on your points and form a strong argument, but an opinion will remain an opinion. for example, If I were to give you 20 well thought out reasons to why I think the PS3 is better than the Wii, it doesn't make it a factual statement...and many people (namely trolls) will claim it as factual. It's a way to indicate that you're not just trolling. By putting imo at the end of that argument (the PS3 + Wii example), does that what would be a strong argument weak?
if that were the case, you should have added imo to the end of your weak argument.
Why do you care about what trolls say? A well thought out argument won't come across as trolling to any reasonable user. Labeling everything with a disclaimer is just poor writing - most people have no problem making the distinction between fact and opinion; we don't need our hands held.
there's no reason to be ignorant and assume that everyone can distinguish between fact and opinion. you've got to keep in mind that this is a forum of varying intelligence, so you have to compensate for those who don't have that skill.
and regardless, I still fail to see how adding imo to the end of a statement would change a strong argument into a weak one. what does poor writing have to do with how strong or weak an argument is if the points are still valid?
edit: and I never stated that I care what trolls have to say, I was implying that it's an easy way to distinguish between a person who is trolling and a person who is not.
That multiplats on the 360 are better than the ps3. alot of times.johny300
statement is factual because in terms of performance it's been proven by websites such as lens of truth...but then again, you didn't mention performance in the statement - your statement is too broad. feel free to make an elaborate statement that is both opinion and fact.
I still fail to see how adding imo to the end of a statement would change a strong argument into a weak one. what does poor writing have to do with how strong or weak an argument is if the points are still valid?Some-MistI think Slashkice was just saying weak arguements in general and not that saying imo makes it weak. At least that's what I thought.
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