[QUOTE="-Snooze-"][QUOTE="planbfreak4eva"] how am i a fanboy. you look more of a fanboy than me because you have that flash which says ps3 does nothing. error 800171717 what ever it goes. like u said. 360 got cross game chat which is a nice feature. i would want it and i admit it. but 360 exclusives dont have dedicated servers, like i said in my previous post. ps3 got 4 times more dedicated servers than 360 and psn is free, so no fanboyism here,,,planbfreak4eva
Forza 3 has dedicated servers. Uncharted 2 does not. Don't make sweeping statements. List allthe games PS3 has with dedicated servers, it's nowhere near 4 times more. More like 4 more.
Xbox Live's biggest advantage is it's intergration. PSN has some shoddy intergration, it was obviously an after thought for sony, as opposed to the Xbxo ebing built around Xbox Live.
As an owner of both consoles, i'd say Xbox Live is leaps and bounds ahead of PSN, just for it's intergration. Is it worth $50 a year? I don't think so, but it's better nonetheless
ok forza 3 has dedicated servers and uncharted 2 doesnt which i know myself. now what ps3 exclusive games have dedicated. warhawk, r1,r2,kz2, demons souls, lbp, mag. and 360 exc;usive games with dedicated is forza 3 and ??? gears 1 and 2 doesnt. so thats that....You said the PS3 has 4x more games with dedicated servers then the Xbox. You're wrong.
Battlefield 2, Forza 3, PDZ, Frontlines:FoW, Shadowrun, UT3, Section 8, Left 4 dead, Left 4 dead 2, their are probably a few more.
I didn't say 360 exclusives had them, i said there is no way the PS3 has 4x the amount. They have a few more.
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