I dont understand why so many people buy newly released (non-sale) games on Steam. If youre in the US, Steam rarely offers their games at a lower price than in stores. Even months after release, games can cost much more on Steam than you can find in a retail store or online. In fact, doing a simple search right now on Google, you can find all the front page Steam games like Witcher 2, Fear 3, Shogun 2, etc. for HALF the price, shipped. Hell. even Portal 2 can be found for much less online than on Steam. How come no one in SW mentions this?
Why spend more on a digital copy that costs more? At least with physical copies, you can add the physical box to your shelf or something. You can pull out the disc and install the game instantly if your game data gets corrupted or if you need to reformat. Plus, if your Steam account gets hacked or banned for any reason, every game tied to that account is gone.
Now I get that in some countries Steam provides much better prices, but for all the North American gamers, can you explain why you choose a more expensive Steam copy over a much cheaper physical copy? My eyes bleed everytime I look at Steam prices for new games, yet Im always seeing people praising Steam and digital downloads.
90% of you guys are completely missing the point of this thread.
I never said Steam sucks. I use Steam everyday and love the community features. Im asking why would you buy a Steam game thats not on sale when you can get the physical copy online for a fraction of the price? Im also pointing out the disadvantages of a digital copy such as not having the physical material that many consider to be collectible and the possibility of losing all your games in the event that you somehow lose your account.
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