At the time of its release, no one cared, and those who did were disappointed. Yet as time has gone by, Final Fantasy XII has emerged as not just one of the most progressive games in the series, but a prescient RPG in general, and one of the best games in a franchise that has no shortage of amazing games.
Final Fantasy XII had:
- Amazing graphics. Seriously, this game aged wonderfully. Look at how good it looks- a minor touch up, and this will be good to go for today's audience
- Actual, good writing. After how shitty the writing was in Final Fantasy X, and later, in Final Fantasy XIII, it's easy to forget that Final Fantasy can actually have some crisp writing sometimes- such was the case with Final Fantasy XII.
- The music. Dear God, the music.
- The story- Final Fantasy XII differs from the rest of the series in that it takes the focus squarely away from interpersonal drama and character growth, and chooses to focus on the larger political struggle, the bigger picture issues facing the world, and it is better for it.
- The gameplay was amazing- the battle system was one that many western RPGs would try to emulate down the line, and it still holds up (though some parts could use some tweaking), and the game offered amazing freedom. After how restricted X and XIII were, XII can seem like an almost jarring culture shock.
We want Final Fantasy XII HD. Arguably one of the three best games in the series, it deserves its time in the sun. Do the right thing, Square Enix, give it an HD re-release. You better announce it this E3.
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