Because this is SW, people on here are either just having fun and over exaggerating for the hell of it, or they are people with a MASSIVE case of buyers remorse and are trying to justify their purchase.
To me (and everyone in real life) the resolution isn't that big of a deal, like I can't tell if a game is "sub HD" or not. Take RDR for example I honestly played both versions and I did not notice a damn bit of difference, but yet a lot of people on here think there is, but that's only because they are going by what they get told, if they played both versions they wouldn't see much of a difference either.
As long as the game looks great I don't really care.
Well,not much difference between software upscaled 1152x640(PS3 RDR) and 1280x720(360 RDR),but I still noticed the slight difference between PS3 and 360 RDR versions,it's not much,but it's there.360 version does look more "clean"...
Better resolution=more pixels=better graphics,it's as simple as that.Resolution is probably the most important part of technical graphics,and it matters in real life.Case closed!
Doesn't matter too much to me, in RDR I didn't see a difference. Here:
PS3 Vs. 360 Comparison - Red Dead Redemption Video ... - IGN
As you can clearly see, they look identical.
Mabey I'm not as picky but "sub HD" doesn't really bother me, unless there is a huge noticable difference then I don't care. As long as my game looks and playes good that's all I care about.
Nowhere did I say the PS3 version looks bad,they're very similiar as you said,but 360 still does have a slight advantage,since resolution and number of pixels matter.360 version looks overall slightly more sharp and clean.It doesn't affect gameplay in any signifficant way,but it's there...
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