[QUOTE="psn8214"][QUOTE="The_Game21x"] Yeah, gonna have to disagree with you there, based on my experience with both online communities. IceBlazerX
You're both missing the point, to a degree. Now, obviously it varies game to game, but as a multi-console/gaming PC owner, I have found in my time with all three that far more people use mic communication on 360, thereby increasing your chances of coming across some blibbering idiot. With PC you generally use dedicated programs like Teamspeak or even Steam for mic coms, which limits this, and on PS3, simply not as many people communicate, outside of certain games like SOCOM.
Note that this is all in my personal experience, and mostly pertains to shooters like Black Ops, Bad Company 1 and 2, etc.
PC>>>>>PSN>XBLExcept for the fact that PC isnt an online service;)
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