I might be wrong, but Nintendo as a first party seem to have never made an adult themed game. I think if they actually start making them with their talent, they can catapult past the PS4 and X1.
I might be wrong, but Nintendo as a first party seem to have never made an adult themed game. I think if they actually start making them with their talent, they can catapult past the PS4 and X1.
I have no idea why people just feel the need to hear cussing and see blood to be entertained.
Nintendo excels at gameplay. Why exactly do we need every company to be putting out the same type of games???
One question might be why the world is so set on seeing violence and nudity to feel like they are being entertained. Is there not enough in the world around you to satiate you?
I happen to like that Nintendo does their own thing, and they have this perceived "family values" philosophy.
Nintendo games are fun. I play my share of games where to decapitate your enemies; however i can also enjoy games where you are not ruthlessly killing enemies.
@ps4hasnogames: Here's an important list of steps to take to enlighten yourself.
1. Purchase a Wii, WiiU, Gamecube, or N64
2. Purchase Majora's Mask (varies depending on what system you buy for it)
3. Play Majora's Mask through to the ending (preferably doing as may side quests as possible)
4. Emerge as a new person who isn't so ignorant :)
Is this another situation where people think just cause something is PG 13 its incapable of substance and sophistication ?
And its sister concept where people think higher age restriction equals higher sophistication ?
You used the term "Adult-Themed" so vaguely that I just had to ask.
Dear mister P. HasNoGames,
yes i agree they should at least dabble with one exclusive in the earlier half of this gen, content suitable only for adult audiences.
and while we're on the topic, what's the most adult/violent/etc game that you can get? i'm not sure anything's passed soldier of fortune.
@ps4hasnogames: Here's an important list of steps to take to enlighten yourself.
1. Purchase a Wii, WiiU, Gamecube, or N64
2. Purchase Majora's Mask (varies depending on what system you buy for it)
3. Play Majora's Mask through to the ending (preferably doing as may side quests as possible)
4. Emerge as a new person who isn't so ignorant :)
is majoras mask even on wii u?
Dear mister P. HasNoGames,
yes i agree they should at least dabble with one exclusive in the earlier half of this gen, content suitable only for adult audiences.
and while we're on the topic, what's the most adult/violent/etc game that you can get? i'm not sure anything's passed soldier of fortune.
im not saying it has to have blood and sex, but a game like Persona 4 I consider adult even though its still toned down. They should dabble in some adult games like you said.
@ps4hasnogames: Idk but I'm too lazy to find out. Point is that a game doesn't have to be rated M in order to be mature or adult. I will argue until the day I die that Majora's Mask is more mature than 99% of games out there.
@CrownKingArthur: Hotline Miami is extremely hyper violent (bashing guys skulls in and seeing visible brains fly out) and I'd say Madworld and the Darkness II are both up there on the most violent games ever list. Maybe FEAR as well simply because you can liquefy a guy's torso with a shotgun blast.
Persona 4 is great, but anything but adult.
they deal with adult themes. so do the final fantasy games.
Persona 4 is great, but adult it is not.
they deal with adult themes. so do the final fantasy games.
It's a game about teenaged high school students in a fantasy scenario. All games deal with death in one form or another.
@Bigboi500: I'm just gonna toss out the fact that Toy Story is about toys that talk and yet it's story is quite mature.
Just saying.
Persona 4 is great, but adult it is not.
they deal with adult themes. so do the final fantasy games.
It's a game about teenaged high school students in a fantasy scenario. All games deal with death in one form or another.
its a game about a high school student investigating murders, that is adult just not exploitative.
They did. Once. Eternal Darkness. Actually Silicon Knights. But Nintendo helped. T'was critical success. Sold like crap, though.
Another such game was Geist - a game where you play as transparent entity capable of possessing people.
Precisely.... And the video game industry is fully of examples of the exact opposite, games rated mature but filled to the brim with Immature content executed in the most immature way.... Gotta love that Irony.
Meanwhile Child of Light (I know its not a Nintendo game but) is rated 10 yet still deals with very mature themes that have depth and substance. Atleast thats what the review said... I never actually played it because come on... an RPG ? Psshht please ! ;)
You should change adult to mean blood, violence, and sex.
Nintendo games are complex, rewarding, offer great gameplay, and great value. They traditionally do not involve a lot of cussing, violence, sex, or nudity. That in no way means that the game cannot be enjoyed by people who are mature.
In fact, I would challenge you to look inward. I see a lot more children nowadays cuss, rather than adults. Does that make them adult? The professional workforce looks down on employees using cuss words, yet it is more adult to use them. Weird huh?
Kids seem to be so eager to become adult that they will use "forbidden" language to make them feel like they have achieved the status. Is that what really defines mature in this age? Have we become nothing more than violence, sex, and blood sponges?
Are people incapable of being entertained without tits, blood, and people being murdered? At some point you have to ask yourself if you are not the problem. Is it that you have been so conditioned to see these things that if they are not offered you are disappointed? Or do you actually get some sick pleasure out of harming living things?
It could just be my profession that makes me think differently, but I tend to see people want the worst out of life. There is so much to enjoy, why is misery and suffering the only thing that fuels you? Whether it is fake or not, you are craving these things. You would not desire them if you did not.
Years past this mindset was not mainstream. Is this the only thing that keeps your attention?
@Lulu_Lulu: It's because of the nature of games. If a game is about killing guys, will it be enjoyable if the same game also makes you feel like shit or killing them? Some games pull it off but most can't. There aren't very many M rated games I'd actually consider mature... Actually the only ones I can think of off the top of my head are Silent Hill 2 and Shattered Memories. Apart from that most games feel like they have objectionable content for the sake of it rather than adding anything of substance. Not that that's inherently a bad thing, but people who act like a game has to be rated M to be mature are flat out wrong.
I might buy a wiiu for bayonetta 2. It's pretty sexed up and violent.
I don't think Nintendo makes the bayonetta games though. Maybe they do. Idk.
I read an Article that brought up the Term "Immatative Fallacy", its a concept used in Narratives, basicly it means when you're reading a book or watching a movie... Things like Despair, Fear, Boredom and Anger should not be instilled into the audience directly, because thats just going to put them off from completing the story.... They should be handled in abstract way, they should convey whats happening in the Narrative an a manner thats still entertaining and not directly reminiscent of the actual emotion being explored.
This however doesn't apply to video games, yet its hard to say for sure since the concept has barely been explored properly or that games aren't as easy to get invested into....
Yep. Strictly speaking, I don't believe Nintendo ever developed a "Mature" rated game. They have published them ever since the Gamecube (starting with Eternal Darkness), and will almost certainly continue to publish them, but they don't seem interested in developing one themselves.
Given that their name is synonymous with family-friendly, all ages software, I think that's the type of reputation they want to keep. It's also a reflection of the type of games they want to make.
Because that is 90% of the games already being made?
The people who have a problem with cuddliness are a vast minority, teenagers mostly. I agree with bulby ^, the 'adult' games are full of bro content and facepalm inducing cutscenes that try to be like movies with terrible one liners, or embarrassing gameplay that makes you look all cool but to anyone looking over your shoulder it is blatantly obvious you are only mashing the x button.
I remember a couple years back my mother in the livingroom saw me play Uncharted and she walked away laughing because the dialogue was so stiff and unnatural. I just turned it off in shame.
I might be wrong, but Nintendo as a first party seem to have never made an adult themed game. I think if they actually start making them with their talent, they can catapult past the PS4 and X1.
A better question would be why MS and Sony don't make more games along the lines of a Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros., or Mario Kart? Im thinking of getting a Wii U so that I can play something else besides CoD, Madden or some massive open world game.
@ps4hasnogames: what do you mean by adult. Adult themed normally means porn, the X box or ps4 doesn't have them.
You can get a disgusting game on pc that's very rare called rapelay, that's an adult game.
A game that shouldn't really exist but it's there.
Dear mister P. HasNoGames,
yes i agree they should at least dabble with one exclusive in the earlier half of this gen, content suitable only for adult audiences.
and while we're on the topic, what's the most adult/violent/etc game that you can get? i'm not sure anything's passed soldier of fortune.
Wait.............Are you addressing MisterPMedia or PS4HasNoGames? I'm cornfused. lol.
@ps4hasnogames: I'm guessing you're referring to games with an M rating. I can think of two off the top of my head:
Neither of these sold well. I'd argue that a game doesn't need an M rating to have adult themes. A few:
That's my interpretation, anyway. Nintendo can do fine without purposely going out of their way to make an M rated franchise.
I don't think anyone answered your question about Majora's Mask earlier. You can get it on Wii U. Go to Wii mode and you'll be able to purchase it in the Shop Channel from there. Sadly, it's not available yet in the Wii U eShop.
Nintendo does make adult games. Don't mistake gore, sex and violence for adult. Pixar's films are for adults, same as children. Many of Nintendo's games share in this.
Just because something is kid friendly doesn't mean it's soley for kids. I enjoy watching Pixar films and I enjoy Nintendo games. I enjoyed watching 'The Croods' yesterday XD.
I'm not saying TC thinks that way, but a lot of gamers on here do
Nintendos game design is more matured than any other designers in the industry, past and present. They are in a league of their own. I'm not following "mature content". In ways trying to pass off a videogame as a "mature/adult" somehow has the opposite effect, imo.
@ps4hasnogames: because they actually make games for everyone with great gameplay. instead of wanting to be adult movies with mediocre gameplay like sony.
I have no idea why people just feel the need to hear cussing and see blood to be entertained.
Nintendo excels at gameplay. Why exactly do we need every company to be putting out the same type of games???
One question might be why the world is so set on seeing violence and nudity to feel like they are being entertained. Is there not enough in the world around you to satiate you?
I happen to like that Nintendo does their own thing, and they have this perceived "family values" philosophy.
Nintendo games are fun. I play my share of games where to decapitate your enemies; however i can also enjoy games where you are not ruthlessly killing enemies.
This is exactly how I feel. There is plenty of violence, gore, etc in games. Sometimes it seems like there is way to much of it and to me Nintendo games are a breath of fresh air. Because they are fun, play smart, and have more colors than blood.
You haven't played Majora's fucking Mask then.
An "M-rating" doesn't make a game "adult".
But if you want the M-rating, then see: Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem, Bayonetta 1/2, No More Heroes 1/2, Madworld, ZombiU, etc
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