The PSP had a good name at launch, because it had so much hyped and launched with the most games of any game machine in history, but Sony slowly killed it with lack of support and ignorance.
There are 2 reasons I have not given the PSP its proper credit:
1) I don't own one, and never have. I've only played a few games on it.
2) My extremely gaming oriented friend, as hardcore as hardcore gets tells me that it's great if you want a music device, but for gaming, get the DS. He used to push the PSP, but that changed once the DS stopped sucking.
The only rational reason I can think of is it fell short of expectations. PSP was not supposed to just be Sony's foothold in the handheld arena, it was supposed to be Sony conquering the handheld arena. It was supposed to "lift handheld gaming out of the gutter". It didn't, though. It didn't deliver, pure and simple. It has great games, great exclusives, it's selling fairly, and the homebrew is possibly the best thing to happen to handheld gaming. But it's not the be-all-end-all of handheld gaming Sony promised.
However, I'd imagine most of the bashing on SW comes from not disappointment as much as it's just an easy target.
Actually, I can think of another reason: PSP fanboys can be really, really obnoxious. Same with DS fanboys, of course, but they do tend to egg each other on. And the DS fanboys do outnumber the PSP fanboys, so...
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