Not a big fan of this argument because, sooner or later, you eventually get to the root of it all and that is the belief that people of a given culture are somehow genetically predisposed to being more expert about their culture than people not of that culture. This is nonsense in my opinion.
You could make the argument I guess that people of a given culture might be better experts because they immersed in that culture and closer to it, and I get that; but at the same time, you have to factor in a certain bias likely occurs, as we have seen with Japanese history related to WWII (still waiting for acknowledgement and apologies for the atrocities they said they didn't commit...).
Akira Kurosawa, someone no doubt well-versed in Japanese history many might claim, took a lot of inspiration from writer Shakespeare and director John Ford, for example.
The whole reason the world is in love with Japanese culture is because Japanese are in love with it, and they wrapped it up in a neat package and exported it well. This is entertaining as hell but it doesn't necessarily make them the best experts on the material.
The Japanese themselves, like many cultures across the world with their own culture, have mythologized their history for entertainment, propaganda, and export. They're no better at their own history than anyone else is at it.
@warm_gun said:
...White people will never go that deep...
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