What annoys me when reading about halo is people seem to blindly follow the game while others straight out bash it but both are over looked. The fan boys hype the game no end and take no criticism and the haters probably haven't played it but still get around to saying its a mediocre fps.
I played Halo1 when I landed on Xbox I didn't own an Xbox I wasn't that impressed sure it looked great had great physics and the co-op single player was a blast but multiplayer was sub-par because I could only manage 4 player with all the vehicles and size of maps this screamed for 8 or 16 player but i just didn't know enough Xbox owners so i stopped playing.
Hardcore fans praise halo1 for its balance and speed it fits into the hardcore competitive FPS players category such as counter strike, quake and unreal it's a twitch shooter with cars. For me with out the internet it was just another console golden eye potential but I couldn't realise it.
Queue halo2 it landed no intension of getting it none what so ever but when I finally got to play a copy of my friends realised it was online and allowed guests i bought it and still to this day play it and I haven't bothered with the single player once. Single player to me is the same old same old but Halo2 while not as balanced a bit too newbie friendly with its auto aim changed FPS gaming on consoles. It was and still is the only true multiplayer game on consoles worth playing it changed console multiplayer like golden eye did back in the 90s. What was better? Nothing everything else was sub par even gears of war can't play ranked games together difficult to set up games with friends. Take rainbow6 play one round doesn't switch the teams doesn't keep the score of more than one round cant play ranked games with friends its all crap.
So enter halo 3. If this plays like halo1 has more features than halo 2 for multiplayer and includes 4 player co-op (now single player is worth playing again) this could live up to the hype it might take another 3 years from my life.
So sure its newbie friendly some people don't like the art style the single player tends to suck after a while it doesn't nothing particularly new and graphics aren't the uber l33t but for a multiplayer console FPS nothing comes close and it doesn't look like anything will for a long time.
So please go easy on Halo it may not be the best sure but it set the bench mark for console games online I wish other developers would start using that as a basis for their games!
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