The love/hate thing can be explained very easily. Those that didn't buy an Xbox due to their dislike of new competition automatically hate all Xbox games. They don't want to like Halo, so they have the worst impression of it. Those that bought an Xbox love Halo because it was the most advanced game ever made for it's time. They gave Halo a chance.
Sorry what? I played Halo CE in its prime , and thought it was "Meh", as quite a few people have ehre I found, prefered Timesplitters on the PS2. But Timesplitters was lost in the library of PS2 games , while Xbox only had Halo ...
And what of now? All Halo 2 had was best Console online .... what is Halo 3 going to do? Best console online again? So what?
I love Halo and played it on launch day with friend after work. I will defend the series all the time, the only exception being Halo fans treading on thin ice when complaining about the Half-Life series. If that happens, I'm a turn coat seeing as Half-life 1, and 2 are my favorite games.
But I'll say that most of the time people ragging on Halo are hermit elitists who can't come to terms that a FPS on consoles is finally on par with PC fps or simply people who havn't played it extensively or at all.
So the people who prefer Timeplsitters , and Unreal Tournement ... are not allowed to have this opinion? On par with PC games? Some? Nobody is disputing, Console games can be better ofcourse, otherwise they would be pointless.
But, you Halo fans have to except ... not everyone thinks its great, its slow, its heavily noob friendly, its online is still primitive compared to PC's (experiance LIVE first hand now .... I dont see the fuss, the features are nice ... but the hosting is a joke).
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