When i was a kid. like in kindergardern and first grade, it was always fun to talk about the videogames. This was the age when system wars began in my life. Although i owned both a snes and a genesis at the time, I was always a sega boy at heart and we would exchange arguments at school and everywhere else. Life was good with these two systems battling eachother. heck, one was white, one was black. It was so clear that Alladin and Mortal Kombat were better on Genesis. And i dont care what anyone says, Sonic could pimpsmack mario any day of the week.
Anyway, one day here came along a new company named Sony. They were this new contender with their sleek looking Playstation system. and they had shapes instead of letters on their controller. It was a crazy third system that entered the fray and changed things forever.
Some years later, Sony has grown into the big fish on campus and have dominated the gaming world. They came into this battle between sega and nintendo and pretty much ousted them both with the playstation two, effectivly KILLING my beloved sega!
How dare this shape controllered hardware company come into my gaming world and flip things upsideown. And it was then that i swore vengance to them.
As sony grew and grew they became almost invincible, peaking in a golden age during the ps2 when out of the blue. A small unknown software company named microsoft has an idea.
As time passed and the xbox came and gone, it introduced videogamers into a new underdog system, a new mascot to fight against this plague of videogame terrorism that is Sony. The xbox was successful in that it introduced the microsoft name to console gaming, and it proved to sony that they are not the only fish in the sea.
Now with the xbox 360, having excecuted PERFECTALLY, countless buisness strategies, from releasing a year early, to an advertising formula of "jump in"
After all these years, all these years it is finally time for sony to realize the plague on the videogame community that they are. Finally a bigger fish has arrived. And it has arrived with one mission and one mission only, to bring videogames back.
Thank you MS. I can start up my 360 and i can play sonic the hedgehog 2.
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