OK, so I've done something that most people would probably say is silly. I bought Call of Duty 4 for both the PS3 and the Xbox 360. Mainly I did this because some of my friends are on the 360 and others are on the PS3 and I wanted to be able to play with both. But anyway having owned both versions I've noticed something very disturbing for the PS3.
By all rights the PS3 should kick the Xbox 360's ass in terms of CoD4 play. PSN is free. LIVE is not. The graphics for both consoles are pretty much identical but the PS3 has much better hardware than the Xbox 360. And yet despite all this, the Xbox 360 has WAY better CoD4 gameplay.
Unlike the PS3, I can get a game going on the 360 whenever I want. I could go online at 4am and still get a game within a minute. Not so with the PS3, it once took me 15 minutes during gaming prime time (5-7pm). NOBODY talks on PS3 because the console does not come with a microphone, unlike the 360. And despite the fact that I've never lagged on the PS3 (and many, many times on the 360), that's mitigated by the fact that I have played less than half the number of games.
So that deeper problem I was talking about? It seems that the PS3 players are just way too apathetic! Really, you guys either feel that the PS3 is going to succeed because Sony is going to have money dropped on them like Mannah from Heaven or else you're praying for a miracle. By my (admittedly limited) count, it seems like the PS3 CoD4 community is less than 1/10 of the Xbox LIVE CoD4 community.
Why is that? That should not be. If anything else, the PS3 CoD4 community should be BIGGER, because the 360 has a ton of great FPS to compete with CoD4 like Halo 3 and the Orange Box and Gears of War. The PS3 really doesn't (and don't get me started on Haze) so all the PS3 FPS fans should be flocking to CoD4 like moths to a flame. That's clearly not happening!
I really am curious as to what the PS3 players are thinking. On the one hand they're all like "oooooh the PS3 doesn't get any gaaaaames" but then when a great game like Call of Duty 4 comes out for the PS3 they don't play it! I don't know if that discourages the developers from making the game for the PS3 in the future but it sure as hell doesn't encourage them!
When a game that had up until now ALWAYS appeared exclusively on Sony platforms (Katamari Damacy) becomes an Xbox 360 exclusive (Beautiful Katamari), you know something is very wrong. But to be blunt, the PS3's problem is not the console or the games. It's us. It's the players who for some unfathomable reason choose to not play games on our chosen console, and then go out and complain about the lack of games. If we want the PS3 to succeed we need to show third-party developers that it's worth it to make games for the PS3. Or else the next CoD4 won't even be a multiplat, it'll be a 360 exclusive.
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