why doesnt MS care about blu-ray?
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Why is blu-ray considered a better? Better optical media than dvd/hd-dvd? 'Cause it is.
What is MS to do about blu-ray being the superior format, make a new, superior format, even though media doesn't require it yet?
Why don't they care about it? They probably do and I'd not be surprised if they used it in their next console.
In the end, optical media has it's days numbered, 'least I see it as having it's days numbered. With the proliferation of DD, and the always improving of internet services, it's only a matter of time 'til people just switch to it.
There are a bunch of console gamers who are obsessed with their precious physical copy of their games, who love their used garbage and worthless plastic boxes, but as a PC gamer since I was.. 8 ish? I've not had the ability to trade games or anything anyway, so I'm used to it, also, it's cheaper anyway, for the most part.
I think they care about it but they picked the wrong format to back with the 360.
But I'm sure they will use Blu-ray on their next system.
Nintendo plans on using a form of Blu-ray but changing it a little so they don't have to pay licensing fees.
interesting...I think they care about it but they picked the wrong format to back with the 360.
But I'm sure they will use Blu-ray on their next system.
Nintendo plans on using a form of Blu-ray but changing it a little so they don't have to pay licensing fees.
[QUOTE="waltefmoney"]i expect MS to stand up and talk about something close to blu-ray at least,its like xbox360 belongs to the stone age!!!cant MS create a new system like blu-ray only for its own products? Why, why bother developing something that's not going to make money? They have to consider, before making a new format, if it's going to be cost effective, and I really don't see pouring resources into a dead end like that as a good idea.What do you expect them to do?
[QUOTE="waltefmoney"]i expect MS to stand up and talk about something close to blu-ray at least,its like xbox360 belongs to the stone age!!!cant MS create a new system like blu-ray only for its own products?What do you expect them to do?
You expect them to spend millions developing a new format that isn't needed just so they can put it in their games console that is 6 years old?
they made a huge mistake as usual. it is costing them dearly with devs leaving. the games are the price of this mistake, now xboxers are left with the like of sesame street.ConsoleCounsla_i know...i like xboxs but the fact here is that even alan wake didnt have the graphics i saw on heavy rain...
i expect MS to stand up and talk about something close to blu-ray at least,its like xbox360 belongs to the stone age!!!cant MS create a new system like blu-ray only for its own products? Why, why bother developing something that's not going to make money? They have to consider, before making a new format, if it's going to be cost effective, and I really don't see pouring resources into a dead end like that as a good idea. but i think MS shouldt be quiet about it it should talk about it more and more.its like saying ok we did make a mistake and we dont care anymore.[QUOTE="M3ran"][QUOTE="waltefmoney"]
What do you expect them to do?
[QUOTE="Nintendo_Ownes7"]interesting...Nintendo did the samething with DVD they created a Proprietary DVD that has faster loadtimes and they don't have to pay Licensing fees for DVD when they created the Wii. They are doing the same with Blu-ray on the Wii U.I think they care about it but they picked the wrong format to back with the 360.
But I'm sure they will use Blu-ray on their next system.
Nintendo plans on using a form of Blu-ray but changing it a little so they don't have to pay licensing fees.
i expect MS to stand up and talk about something close to blu-ray at least,its like xbox360 belongs to the stone age!!!cant MS create a new system like blu-ray only for its own products?[QUOTE="M3ran"][QUOTE="waltefmoney"]
What do you expect them to do?
You expect them to spend millions developing a new format that isn't needed just so they can put it in their games console that is 6 years old?
no no i know xbox360 old now,but why dont we hear anything at all on this matter?no no i know xbox360 old now,but why dont we hear anything at all on this matter?M3ran
What matter? :|
[QUOTE="racing1750"]Blu-ray in games hasn't exactly done much has it? Apart from less discs blu-ray is nothing special.M3ranyea??but i think having 3 disks for LA noire on xbox360 is simply hilarious and is bad for MS as well.plus blu-ray is growing rapidly I bought and played LA noire and the 3 discs thing is as simple as it gets. Only hardcore fanboys use it as some kind of advantage.
Is it just me that thinks the 360 and its DVD are holding back games like GTAV? Rockstar is not gonna make it bigger on the PS3~bluray when they can't fit it on the 360~dvd. So instead of having the entire San Andreas we'll be left with just Los Santos (if rumors are right) way to go just because MS was cheap enough to not have hd-dvd on all their systems, i know its dead but they still be using it as their game media. And by the way why the hell can't i install games on the ps3 if ALL came with a hdd?? Wake up sony, UC3 is lunching my optical drive because its always streaming.What is MS to do about blu-ray being the superior format, make a new, superior format, even though media doesn't require it yet?
on the failing of DVD as a xbox360 drive,DVD is so old and they dont fix it.i mean it affects the whole 360 gaming systemM3ran
It works fine. And how do you expect them to fix it? Are you trolling?
[QUOTE="racing1750"]Blu-ray in games hasn't exactly done much has it? Apart from less discs blu-ray is nothing special.M3ranyea??but i think having 3 disks for LA noire on xbox360 is simply hilarious and is bad for MS as well.plus blu-ray is growing rapidly I have never heard someone say 'MY GOD 3 DISCS? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE I NOW REFUSE TO BUY THE GAME!'
[QUOTE="Inconsistancy"]Why, why bother developing something that's not going to make money? They have to consider, before making a new format, if it's going to be cost effective, and I really don't see pouring resources into a dead end like that as a good idea. but i think MS shouldt be quiet about it it should talk about it more and more.its like saying ok we did make a mistake and we dont care anymore. They didn't make a mistake, a handful of games at most use multiple DVD's and it is the tech inside the console itself that is more of a bottleneck. The only advantage Sony has had with Bluray disregarding the movie aspect and winning the format war, is some games having lossless 7.1 Audio and uncompressed 1080p cutscenes (like FF13). Only a small percentage of customers have the ability for 7.1, so that's not really a big deal, and also the PS3 has a slow Bluray drive so some games require an install. I haven't seen a game on PS3 that I would say Bluray was really required for this game, games like Arma2 and Crysis on PC which destroy anything the 360 and PS3 could manage could fit on a single DVD. Next gen I think they will go down the Bluray route, just because it may be required then, and Bluray drives will be fast enough and cheap enough to put in the next console.[QUOTE="M3ran"] i expect MS to stand up and talk about something close to blu-ray at least,its like xbox360 belongs to the stone age!!!cant MS create a new system like blu-ray only for its own products?M3ran
blu-ray may have been a terrible mistake.
Sony invested heavily in it, and it won the format war but very quickly people turned away from it and have gone to streaming.
So far Sony has lost money (in the billions annually) every year since then in their electronics an entertainment division. Blu-ray actually reduced DVD sales without increasing HDVD sales.
Microsoft accidently made the better decision.
WOW i dint realise L.A Noire for 360 came on 3 discs, thats a genuine surprise to me. Say what you like but i like the convenience of a single disc and i love the uncompressed sound in most ps3 games which only bluray can provide.
Some people may say its not really needed but its here so embrace it and make the most of superior technology.
why doesnt MS care about blu-ray?
Uhm. Well because blu-ray didn't exist when the 360 came out?
As for why is it better, it holds tons more data than the average DVD which gives developers a little more freedom. Although, I doubt it makes to big a difference really. The biggest benefit is HD movie playback and, as someone who has a 3 year old, the durability of the BR discs compared to DVD is a MUST HAVE feature in and of itself. I've bought him some kids DVDsthat no longer work because they have been scratched up so badly but the BR movies I've bought for him still look brand new.
[QUOTE="racing1750"]Blu-ray in games hasn't exactly done much has it? Apart from less discs blu-ray is nothing special.M3ranyea??but i think having 3 disks for LA noire on xbox360 is simply hilarious and is bad for MS as well.plus blu-ray is growing rapidly It sold 18% better on the 360 than the ps3. Maybe if Sony fanboys supported games better they would have the power to dictate the media. If you're not willing to drive, don't complain about being in the back seat.
The way I see it,
MS is more of a software pioneer where Sony is a hardware pioneer, which is clearly seen when we look at the consoles.
Xbox360 with a superior home system and PS 3 with hardware that is far more innovative. ( It's debatable wether the hardware is actually better, but it is without doubt more innovative, Sony seems to expect that their take on hardware rewards them in the long run )
Blu-ray sucks.
I bought a nice big Samsung 120hz 1080p HDTV.
Next, I went through about 6 blu ray players. I returned them all. Some of them froze on movies. Some had artifacts.
They ALL sucked at playing DVDs, with slowdown, scan lines, freezing issues.
My PS2 plays DVDs better, and most of my collection isn't even out on blu ray, even if it were, there's no way I'm spending $3000 to replace it, just because they can't get it right.
They need to fix this, or try something else.
Why is blu-ray considered a better? Better optical media than dvd/hd-dvd? 'Cause it is.
What is MS to do about blu-ray being the superior format, make a new, superior format, even though media doesn't require it yet?
Why don't they care about it? They probably do and I'd not be surprised if they used it in their next console.
In the end, optical media has it's days numbered, 'least I see it as having it's days numbered. With the proliferation of DD, and the always improving of internet services, it's only a matter of time 'til people just switch to it.
There are a bunch of console gamers who are obsessed with their precious physical copy of their games, who love their used garbage and worthless plastic boxes, but as a PC gamer since I was.. 8 ish? I've not had the ability to trade games or anything anyway, so I'm used to it, also, it's cheaper anyway, for the most part.
nice generalization, do you have a study or statistic to back up your claim?
[QUOTE="waltefmoney"][QUOTE="M3ran"]no no i know xbox360 old now,but why dont we hear anything at all on this matter?M3ran
What matter? :|
on the failing of DVD as a xbox360 drive,DVD is so old and they dont fix it.i mean it affects the whole 360 gaming systemHow is it affecting the whole 360 gaming system, exactly?
Have you ever tried a ps3 as a blu-ray player? I've had no trouble with it, but I've not watched any movies, besides the cinematics of FF13 'n such...Blu-ray sucks.
I bought a nice big Samsung 120hz 1080p HDTV.
Next, I went through about 6 blu ray players. I returned them all. Some of them froze on movies. Some had artifacts.
They ALL sucked at playing DVDs, with slowdown, scan lines, freezing issues.
My PS2 plays DVDs better, and most of my collection isn't even out on blu ray, even if it were, there's no way I'm spending $3000 to replace it, just because they can't get it right.
They need to fix this, or try something else.
The best part about blu-ray is that they're scratch resistant. I've had so many DVD's fail out on me over the years.TheRaptureStop shaking the case before opening it.
blu ray has been an albatross around the ps3s neck the entire gen.
i like it alot for movies and i'm glad it had a bd player in the end but the only thing bd has done for games this gen is make them slow to load and require manditory installs to even run.
the moment you hear anyone say bd makes games better you know without a doubt they have no clue how computer technology works.
in the end this gen bd was bad for games and great for movies. the moment installs became manditory they may as well have shipped it with a five and a quarter floppy drive or a cassette deck.
next gen i expect faster bd read speeds so it will not be such a handicap to gaming.
Blu-Ray for gaming is not better if you have to install them to HDD all the time.
You may as well just pack the game on a couple DVDs and do the same thing.
Blu_ray, this generation, is not optimized for gaming. It streams horrendously slow and can't be used like DVDs can.
Maybe next gen, if they can get faster BD read speeds.
Right now, it's not that big of a deal IMO.
Why is blu-ray considered a better? Better optical media than dvd/hd-dvd? 'Cause it is.
What is MS to do about blu-ray being the superior format, make a new, superior format, even though media doesn't require it yet?
Why don't they care about it? They probably do and I'd not be surprised if they used it in their next console.
In the end, optical media has it's days numbered, 'least I see it as having it's days numbered. With the proliferation of DD, and the always improving of internet services, it's only a matter of time 'til people just switch to it.
There are a bunch of console gamers who are obsessed with their precious physical copy of their games, who love their used garbage and worthless plastic boxes, but as a PC gamer since I was.. 8 ish? I've not had the ability to trade games or anything anyway, so I'm used to it, also, it's cheaper anyway, for the most part.
I still own every Blizzard game, even though i play console games mainly.The goodies packed in every physical copy of a Blizzard game are great, half of my tattoos are picked and developed from the artbooks of those games.
I'm pretty sure, that there are alot more people interested in buying a physical copy rather than a DD.
They did and it was called HD DVD, but the format ended up failing. Which btw was funny, because they had all these HD Dvd drives for the 360 that no one was buying. It was just a sad sight to see, how MS backed the wrong format twice with the 360why doesnt MS care about blu-ray?
Blu-Ray for gaming is not better if you have to install them to HDD all the time.NetherscourgeUncharted series doesn't INSTALL on the hdd, doesn't have load times from the beging to end and it always looked better then the game it "ripped off" gear of war that has loads even if its installed, win for bluray?
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