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[QUOTE="M3ran"]They did and it was called HD DVD, but the format ended up failing. Which btw was funny, because they had all these HD Dvd drives for the 360 that no one was buying. It was just a sad sight to see, how MS backed the wrong format twice with the 360it worked out awsome for me though.why doesnt MS care about blu-ray?
my hddvd was $30 at the bestbuy closeout and it came with 5 movies.
ever hour i played dvds on it kept that hour of use from wearing out the drives in the ps3 and 360.
i love that thing for that alone.
why doesnt MS care about blu-ray?
They did and it was called HD DVD, but the format ended up failing. Which btw was funny, because they had all these HD Dvd drives for the 360 that no one was buying. It was just a sad sight to see, how MS backed the wrong format twice with the 360 According to the guy that directed Transformers, Microsoft knew HD-DVD would fail, but they are rumored to have introduced it as a way of confusing the market while they prepared their 1080p streaming service.Oh wow... :lol:bluray gots more space so it makes my games look better and make my games last longer, more bang to my buck. plus its scratch proof. m$ doesnt care because every bluray they sell gives money to sony. bluray won this gen and sony too **
[QUOTE="alfy57"][QUOTE="M3ran"]They did and it was called HD DVD, but the format ended up failing. Which btw was funny, because they had all these HD Dvd drives for the 360 that no one was buying. It was just a sad sight to see, how MS backed the wrong format twice with the 360 According to the guy that directed Transformers, Microsoft knew HD-DVD would fail, but they are rumored to have introduced it as a way of confusing the market while they prepared their 1080p streaming service. SHow me a link with that quote? Because i highly doubt that MS wanted to throw away billions of dollars just for kick, but then again maybe your right look at Zune, and their phones.why doesnt MS care about blu-ray?
According to the guy that directed Transformers, Microsoft knew HD-DVD would fail, but they are rumored to have introduced it as a way of confusing the market while they prepared their 1080p streaming service. SHow me a link with that quote? Because i highly doubt that MS wanted to throw away billions of dollars just for kick, but then again maybe your right look at Zune, and their phones.[QUOTE="donalbane"][QUOTE="alfy57"] They did and it was called HD DVD, but the format ended up failing. Which btw was funny, because they had all these HD Dvd drives for the 360 that no one was buying. It was just a sad sight to see, how MS backed the wrong format twice with the 360alfy57
Sure, no problem. "That is why Microsoft is handing out $100m checks to studios just embrace the HD DVD and not the leading, and superior Blu-ray," he continued. "They want confusion in the market until they perfect the digital downloads. Time will tell and you will see the truth.""
Why is blu-ray considered a better? Better optical media than dvd/hd-dvd? 'Cause it is.
What is MS to do about blu-ray being the superior format, make a new, superior format, even though media doesn't require it yet?
Why don't they care about it? They probably do and I'd not be surprised if they used it in their next console.
In the end, optical media has it's days numbered, 'least I see it as having it's days numbered. With the proliferation of DD, and the always improving of internet services, it's only a matter of time 'til people just switch to it.
There are a bunch of console gamers who are obsessed with their precious physical copy of their games, who love their used garbage and worthless plastic boxes, but as a PC gamer since I was.. 8 ish? I've not had the ability to trade games or anything anyway, so I'm used to it, also, it's cheaper anyway, for the most part.
nice generalization, do you have a study or statistic to back up your claim?
Why do you need statistics, plenty of gamers say that when defending their physical copies. I personnaly have moved on to downloading, I just completed downloading Skyrim last night.
I love DD (Steam) because no matter what my game is always ready for download/install. I don't have to worry about loosing my copy, if it gets scratched, or if I lost the CD key. As a kid I loved keeping my boxes and copies of my Nintendo games, now I don't care so much. You won't see me sporting those boxes on my shelf or wall in my office.
why doesnt MS care about blu-ray?
At the start of gen it was costly, the data transmission rates are still slower on drives compared to DVD's and various other things like cost so why bother.
by the way, just as a reminder to all the people that like to talk about how sony won a format war.
they actually bought a format war for a 800 million dollar chip deal with hd dvd maker toshiba.
toshiba killed hd dvd and then got cut in on cell profits by making the chips from there on out.
it's no biggie and i'm not really trying to make some anti anything point, i just think it's interesting how these guys work with each other.
blu-ray doesnt apply to gaming graphics at all,the games are made on a blu ray disc for more data and the blu ray reads it and's a paperweight
MS doesnt care because everyone in the market...........besides the few that Sony convinced.............see that DD is the future for movies. Bluray has no benefit when it comes to games other that more storage space. It ALWAYS be the HARDWARE that dictates what games look like. Any storage medium is the same. PC proves this. HDD will always be better than any physical media, which is why i see MS going that route Next Gen before they use Bluray.....especially if the Windows 9 rumors are true, which should have the ability to install while playing. Adding a 500GB HDD with maybe HDDVD disc drive (to keep the red laser, which is cheaper) would be the perfect solution for MS and Ninty. Bluray isnt the future, DDs are. The market is already moving in that directionnavyguy21Yeah didn't Phil Harrison (way back in the day) say that he estimated the next Playstation wouldn't even have an optical drive?
Because MS cares about Kinect and pushing outdated hardware, that's why they don't care about Blu Ray. But don't feel too bad, next gen MS will put Blu Ray in the next xbox, Blu Ray is the standard after all for HD and storage. I can't believe that in the year 2011 some people still have to exchange discs lol, it's not 1995 anymore guys, it's time for an upgrade.
I honestly don't even know how MS can advertise the 360 as an HD console, sure the games are in HD but it can't play HD movies. So it should be advertised as half HD just for games lol.
AFAIK,consoles are mainly used for games and advertised like thatBecause MS cares about Kinect and pushing outdated hardware, that's why they don't care about Blu Ray. But don't feel too bad, next gen MS will put Blu Ray in the next xbox, Blu Ray is the standard after all for HD and storage. I can't believe that in the year 2011 some people still have to exchange discs lol, it's not 1995 anymore guys, it's time for an upgrade.
I honestly don't even know how MS can advertise the 360 as an HD console, sure the games are in HD but it can't play HD movies. So it should be advertised as half HD just for games lol.
Getting kinda desperate there. PS3 should just be happy this post didn't have a poll.Because MS cares about Kinect and pushing outdated hardware, that's why they don't care about Blu Ray. But don't feel too bad, next gen MS will put Blu Ray in the next xbox, Blu Ray is the standard after all for HD and storage. I can't believe that in the year 2011 some people still have to exchange discs lol, it's not 1995 anymore guys, it's time for an upgrade.
I honestly don't even know how MS can advertise the 360 as an HD console, sure the games are in HD but it can't play HD movies. So it should be advertised as half HD just for games lol.
Bluray is better in that it holds a lot more data, however the PS3 model is a slow 1 or 2x reader, so it negates the benefits of having bluray, because everything takes longer to load. Had Sony waited for the 4 or 8x drives then PS3 would definately have a large beneficial perk over 360, but they didn't. Digital streaming works as good if you have the hard drive space, and reads data much faster than both BR and DVD. It's probably the way of the future industry, however that really depends on download caps by service providers.
what would be funny is to run over to the pc board and ask those guys which blu ray player they reccomend for a new gaming pc build.
i can't imagine they would not laugh you off the board and tell you to get a $20 dvd drive for any new build.
Sony owns the rights to Blu Ray, which means if Microsoft had a Blu Ray console, they would have to pay Sony every time they wanted to make a game. That will never happen, obviously. donalbaneSony don't own the rights to Blu-ray, its owned by a group of companies and they would not pay everytime they made a game.
[QUOTE="donalbane"]Sony owns the rights to Blu Ray, which means if Microsoft had a Blu Ray console, they would have to pay Sony every time they wanted to make a game. That will never happen, obviously. DuckyindianaSony don't own the rights to Blu-ray, its owned by a group of companies and they would not pay everytime they made a game. Well, that's the last time I listen to Michael Pachter lol.
[QUOTE="Duckyindiana"][QUOTE="donalbane"]Sony owns the rights to Blu Ray, which means if Microsoft had a Blu Ray console, they would have to pay Sony every time they wanted to make a game. That will never happen, obviously. donalbaneSony don't own the rights to Blu-ray, its owned by a group of companies and they would not pay everytime they made a game. Well, that's the last time I listen to Michael Pachter lol. Oh dear you listened to Michael Pachter :P
Download caps would be rendered irrelevant if games come on DVDs (or some other higher capacity disc) and installed to the HDD then. Remember, just because there is a disc drive in the system, it doesnt mean that it has to be some "standard". Example - Dreamcast used GDROMS as a format. Sure, it couldnt read DVDs, but it was a start. For MS or Ninty to use HDDVD (or some other format that is compatible with DVDs), they could retain the abilities that PCs have. That is being able to install games (while playing so consoles remain insert and play). Im pretty sure console games dont want to have to sit and wait for games to download, unless its preloaded as PC games are, then it would have to be connected online. Either way, i see MS and Ninty using installs to the HDD before going bluray. Its cheaper and more efficient, while keeping up with current market demands. You are right though, Bandwidth caps are a very real hurdle, but HDD installs are what i see being the future, especially with the longer console cycles.Bluray is better in that it holds a lot more data, however the PS3 model is a slow 1 or 2x reader, so it negates the benefits of having bluray, because everything takes longer to load. Had Sony waited for the 4 or 8x drives then PS3 would definately have a large beneficial perk over 360, but they didn't. Digital streaming works as good if you have the hard drive space, and reads data much faster than both BR and DVD. It's probably the way of the future industry, however that really depends on download caps by service providers.
Well, that's the last time I listen to Michael Pachter lol. Oh dear you listened to Michael Pachter :P Yeah he had a Gametrailers episode of Pach Attack where he said what I just repeated. I just googled who owns Blu Ray, and indeed Sony is just one of many companies who have a piece of the pie.[QUOTE="donalbane"][QUOTE="Duckyindiana"] Sony don't own the rights to Blu-ray, its owned by a group of companies and they would not pay everytime they made a game. Duckyindiana
[QUOTE="M3ran"][QUOTE="Inconsistancy"] Why, why bother developing something that's not going to make money? They have to consider, before making a new format, if it's going to be cost effective, and I really don't see pouring resources into a dead end like that as a good idea.but i think MS shouldt be quiet about it it should talk about it more and more.its like saying ok we did make a mistake and we dont care anymore. They didn't make a mistake, a handful of games at most use multiple DVD's and it is the tech inside the console itself that is more of a bottleneck. The only advantage Sony has had with Bluray disregarding the movie aspect and winning the format war, is some games having lossless 7.1 Audio and uncompressed 1080p cutscenes (like FF13). Only a small percentage of customers have the ability for 7.1, so that's not really a big deal, and also the PS3 has a slow Bluray drive so some games require an install. I haven't seen a game on PS3 that I would say Bluray was really required for this game, games like Arma2 and Crysis on PC which destroy anything the 360 and PS3 could manage could fit on a single DVD. Next gen I think they will go down the Bluray route, just because it may be required then, and Bluray drives will be fast enough and cheap enough to put in the next console.APiranhaAteMyVa
You fotgot about multilegual audio, which for non-english is better then being forced to use dubbing and multi game discs like medal of honor frontline on MoH in one disc.... exclusive to PS3
They didn't make a mistake, a handful of games at most use multiple DVD's and it is the tech inside the console itself that is more of a bottleneck. The only advantage Sony has had with Bluray disregarding the movie aspect and winning the format war, is some games having lossless 7.1 Audio and uncompressed 1080p cutscenes (like FF13). Only a small percentage of customers have the ability for 7.1, so that's not really a big deal, and also the PS3 has a slow Bluray drive so some games require an install. I haven't seen a game on PS3 that I would say Bluray was really required for this game, games like Arma2 and Crysis on PC which destroy anything the 360 and PS3 could manage could fit on a single DVD. Next gen I think they will go down the Bluray route, just because it may be required then, and Bluray drives will be fast enough and cheap enough to put in the next console.[QUOTE="APiranhaAteMyVa"][QUOTE="M3ran"] but i think MS shouldt be quiet about it it should talk about it more and more.its like saying ok we did make a mistake and we dont care anymore.ShadowriverUB
You fotgot about multilegual audio, which for non-english is better then being forced to use dubbing and multi game discs like medal of honor frontline on MoH in one disc.... exclusive to PS3
Yeah, and the 7.1 uncompressed audio too... not that anybody has a 7.1 setup, but the audio is better on PS3 generally.[QUOTE="ConsoleCounsla_"]they made a huge mistake as usual. it is costing them dearly with devs leaving. the games are the price of this mistake, now xboxers are left with the like of sesame street.SOedipusDude, that game is awesome. Oscar the Grouch makes an appearance. hey, nobodys arguing that, bon appetite!
Bluray is Clearer and has better sound.
It also holds a lot more.
I honestly can say I perfer Bluray to DVD because of it.
Watching a Movie in Bluray just makes it seem like I'm watching the movie in a Theater.
You do realize that it looks better purely because it's at a higher resolution, right?Bluray is Clearer and has better sound.
It also holds a lot more.
I honestly can say I perfer Bluray to DVD because of it.
Watching a Movie in Bluray just makes it seem like I'm watching the movie in a Theater.
Bluray could improve loading time with the 12x drives that are out there. Though HDD are still faster.
[QUOTE="Netherscourge"]Blu-Ray for gaming is not better if you have to install them to HDD all the time.Kane04Uncharted series doesn't INSTALL on the hdd, doesn't have load times from the beging to end and it always looked better then the game it "ripped off" gear of war that has loads even if its installed, win for bluray? uncharted 1-3 all have a long 50 second or longer initial load time from the second you start up the game this continues to load as you play through till a cache of up to 4 gigs is filled then the game accesses information dynamically from disc and from cache this is the reason for stealth load times there are infact load times any time a movie sequence is playing the game is loading files off the disc onto the hard drive. this was detailed in game design sheets by Naughty dog a few other comapnies have started using this same method for ps3 games.
BD is better because of the scratch resistant layer, and of course the storage space. I think that the BD drives and the discs lasts longer than any other disc format. I remember perfectly scratch free DVD's not working properly, while with BD I have yet to have a disc fail on me, and I am not good at putting the discs back into the cover.
BD is gonna be with us next gen aswell. The BD format can be updated, with faster read speeds, more layers on each discs which will give more storage space, and therefor, there is no need to make a new format. Besides, digital download will take over eventually.
Because MS cares about Kinect and pushing outdated hardware, that's why they don't care about Blu Ray. But don't feel too bad, next gen MS will put Blu Ray in the next xbox, Blu Ray is the standard after all for HD and storage. I can't believe that in the year 2011 some people still have to exchange discs lol, it's not 1995 anymore guys, it's time for an upgrade.
I honestly don't even know how MS can advertise the 360 as an HD console, sure the games are in HD but it can't play HD movies. So it should be advertised as half HD just for games lol.
Sony is also pushing outdated hardware with NVIDIA RSX (non-unified shader Geforce 7 type GPU).
MS spend it's dollars on world's first unified shader GpGPU.
bluray gots more space so it makes my games look better and make my games last longer, more bang to my buck. plus its scratch proof. m$ doesnt care because every bluray they sell gives money to sony. bluray won this gen and sony too **
Get some education from wiki link .
The "Blu-ray Disc founder group" was started on May 20, 2002 by MIT and nine leading electronic companies: Sony, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Thomson, LG (Lucky GoldStar) Electronics, Hitachi, Sharp, and Samsung.
Blu-ray doesn't help with rendering performance i.e. gaming PC says Hi.
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