How come Capcom can get away with what they do?
Think about it.
They've been repackaging Street Fighter 2/2Turbo for well over 13 years. Best, Xbox360/Ps3. Worst , 1st edition PC and GBA.
They've manage to mangle one of their best selling series (Resident Evil) to the point that it's just pulling out garbage, burning it to a disc and selling it for 60 dollars.
They've quite literally managed to milk a dead horse (Megaman 9) for every (DLC Hard Mode) last (DLC Challenge Mode) Drop (DLC Protoman).
It's gotten so bad that one of the things the company is now known for is their inability to produce games with canon storylines. ( Resident Evil , Devil May Cry 2)
They've abandoned most of their promising franchises. Power Stone, Gigawing, Plasma Blade, Darkstalkers, Rival Schools, Megaman Legends etc ;Leaving their characters as simple cameos to other games.
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