[QUOTE="Sword-Demon"][QUOTE="BladesOfAthena"] Indeed. Its funny when people keep on harping that controls are superior when Resistance 2 is clearly a much better game than Red Steel. Oh the irony.
red steel was a launch title (devs didnt have much time to get it together or learn how to implement the motion controls) and almost any wii owner knows that the controls for it suck. your comparing a poorly made game to a well made game.. why? try comparing R2 controls to MP3 controls.. your argument fails, anyone who takes off their fanboy goggles can tell that the wii has superior controls to the ps3/360 when done correctly. HV has put serious time and effort into this game. the visuals arent bad for a wii game (those screens are crap, there are some much better ones. but its not a 360/ps3 game, dont act like it should look like one.) it has some good new concepts to it (for example: one of the weapons allows you to use the remote to steer a missile). the controls are said to be flawless and fully customisable. so just wait for its release before you pass judgement.
Pardon me, but isn't that like calling the kettle black? Funny coming the person that cherrypicks certain points that will put the Wii in a more favorable light. :lol: My point is that "innovative" controls doesn't mean anything if the gameplay sucks. Just because a game has pointer controls doesn't automatically it superior.
Steering a missile? Lol. You call that new? Metal Gear Solid 2 says hello.
As for Red Steel, that doesn't excuse it from being a crappy title, since there are also launch titles that shine in quality, like Resistance, Soul Calibur, Kameo, and SSX, to name a few.
Lastly, you need to improve your reading comprehension skills, because I never once said that it should look like a PS360 title. My point is that the graphics look hideous, uninspired, boring, and the equivalent of pixelated vomit. And just to reiterate my point, I've seen WAAAAAY better looking Xbox titles.
I do find it a shame how the Wii can't seem to graphically compete with a console that's over 7 years old. Goes to show how underpowered the system really is.
-im picking points that prove what im trying to say, its nothing about "putting the wii in a more favorable light" they seemed fair to me. im not trying to be biased. all i said was that wii controls can be better than ps3/360 controls for shooters, HV is working hard on this game and incorporating some new concepts that normally arent in FPS games, and from what we've heard, the controls and gameplay are great. nothing about the wii being better than any console in any area other than controls (i do believe the wii lost this gen. the only good thing it has is controls)
-who's saying the gameplay sucks? from all of the previews, it seems like the gameplay is great.
-I never said pointer controls made a game superior, i said the wii controls are superior to 360/ps3 controls when they are done correctly. i said nothing about gameplay or story.
-steering the missile was one example of many, i can provide more if you'd like.
-i agree that red steel was a failure, but you are comparing that failure to one of the best shooters this gen, which isnt right. if you are going to compare one control scheme over another, you should use the best examples, the best example of FPS controls on the wii is with MP3. if you compare the control schemes of MP3 and R2, MP3 obviously wins. this proves that the wii controls CAN work very well with FPS games. which was my point.
-I apologize for my wording before, it wasnt directly aimed at you, but at others who are comparing the graphics to 360/ps3. but those are terrible screens of the game. there are better ones. but i agree with you, the wii is severely underpowered
-lastly, im not saying that this game will be amazing, or better than anything that has come out this gen (i know, thats what it seems like). im just defending the possibility that this may turn out to be a very good game. im not a wii fanboy, im actually saving up for a ps3, so i have nothing against any console.
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