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I just watched the video for it off my PS3, and ... what the hell is the point? Is there any goal or objective to the game or is this nothing more than a creative time killer? :|RTFlakfizer
Has reality knocked down your door yet? Its looking for you and told me to tell you that ALL video games are time killers...
And the point of the game is to use your creativity and make whatever you want. Yes there is a goal to the game. Try reading up on it if it concerns you that much. Otherwise you're not going to have a smooth ride with most people.
[QUOTE="project343"]There has to be a goal? What ever happened to playing games for enjoyment alone?IonescoF
The Sims didn't had a goal but it was very popular.
Sounds like your an animal crossing player (I did play ac:ww until I lost my catridge and when I got another 1 it just is'nt the same). If you are you know why people did'nt like that game and thats gonna be the same reason they wont like little big planet.One of those reasons is it looks to cute/childish which applys to both games.
[QUOTE="proud722"][QUOTE="IonescoF"]It is so hyped because many people found the game fascinating.IonescoF
and no matter how bad the game is fascination shifts units :D
But we don't know yet how good or bad it will be.
For what it is I think it will be very good but I dont know how much fun you can have just creating and playing other people's levels. It could be alot if they do it rite but if they screw it up it could get very old, very quickly.
[QUOTE="RTFlakfizer"]I just watched the video for it off my PS3, and ... what the hell is the point? Is there any goal or objective to the game or is this nothing more than a creative time killer? :|Cedmln
Has reality knocked down your door yet? Its looking for you and told me to tell you that ALL video games are time killers...
And the point of the game is to use your creativity and make whatever you want. Yes there is a goal to the game. Try reading up on it if it concerns you that much. Otherwise you're not going to have a smooth ride with most people.
Hmm... then it reminds me of a lot of games on the DS. I believe most people called them... tech demos. :lol:
Hello TC. You certainly haven't seen everything. Look at the GDC Stage demo.
I don't think the TC intended to bash LBP. I for one think it looks tremendous. But what is it? A platformer? A puzzler? What exactly do you build?
Everyone in this thread is screaming innovation. But no one's listing any reasons why.
[QUOTE="Cedmln"][QUOTE="RTFlakfizer"]I just watched the video for it off my PS3, and ... what the hell is the point? Is there any goal or objective to the game or is this nothing more than a creative time killer? :|RTFlakfizer
Has reality knocked down your door yet? Its looking for you and told me to tell you that ALL video games are time killers...
And the point of the game is to use your creativity and make whatever you want. Yes there is a goal to the game. Try reading up on it if it concerns you that much. Otherwise you're not going to have a smooth ride with most people.
Hmm... then it reminds me of a lot of games on the DS. I believe most people called them... tech demos. :lol:
Really. Creating and customizing your own maps, along with being given maps out of the box warrants the title of tech demo? o lawdi. Then Counter-Strike is a tech demo, as is Half-Life DM and any other online multiplayer game where you can create your own maps.There's a big difference between a tech demo (Yoshi's Touch n Go, Excite Truck) and LBP. LBP is a full-blown game, not a game that's been designed to specifically show off the capabilities of the PS3 in numerous ways. YTNG was meant to show you could play that certain way on the DS, while Excite Truck was, again, made to show you could play a fast-paced over the top racing game on the Wii. Both games were shallow in their content, which is also another defining trait of a tech demo. LBP won't be shallow in content, considering the devs will be adding new items over time and, IIRC, they are allowing users to import pictures from their hard drives to add to the game.
I don't think the TC intended to bash LBP. I for one think it looks tremendous. But what is it? A platformer? A puzzler? What exactly do you build?
Everyone in this thread is screaming innovation. But no one's listing any reasons why.
At e3 07 they make a toy tank in least than 30 seconds
Everyone in this thread is screaming innovation. But no one's listing any reasons why.
I don't think the TC intended to bash LBP. I for one think it looks tremendous. But what is it? A platformer? A puzzler? What exactly do you build?
Everyone in this thread is screaming innovation. But no one's listing any reasons why.
Here's why:
Platformer, puzzler: it's both, depending on what you or anybody else out there is up to build.
So, what's the innovation? The game itself is the 'level editor'. There's no seperate menu or software or whatever to build a stage, you build it within the game. But you don't have to do that alone: up to three people can join in on the creating part, both offline and online. So, you can be creative in building a level with the direct help and influence of your friends or anybody else you'd like to join in. You build the level, tweak it on the go, change what somebody else already build, improve upon that etc etc.
Since everything is based on physics, there's a lot of freedom and possibilities on whatyou can build.
It's a rather short explanation, but I hope it helps you see the point.
Because it's bringing to consoles what's made the PC so attractive for the last decade: user-created content.
It's basically a simplified Garry's Mod with visual flair.
Fairly realistic physics, great co-op play and a plethora of items that can be tinkered with to create something new. One LBP vid showed a snake that was created out of objects in the map, as with a tank. The snake moved independently of the player's influence, while the tank would move as you leaned in a direction, putting extra weight on that side and making it move.I don't think the TC intended to bash LBP. I for one think it looks tremendous. But what is it? A platformer? A puzzler? What exactly do you build?
Everyone in this thread is screaming innovation. But no one's listing any reasons why.
I just watched the video for it off my PS3, and ... what the hell is the point? Is there any goal or objective to the game or is this nothing more than a creative time killer? This screams "killer app" just as loud as the rubber ducky game. :|RTFlakfizer
At first I didn't get it either, but once I watched videos of it, I realized that it was going to be pretty darn cool. It's really just about creating fun things with friends and interacting with them.
Hello TC. You certainly haven't seen everything. Look at the GDC Stage demo.
Ahh, I'm beginning to see now. (still waiting for it to download completely, stupid internet) Thanks for that.
[QUOTE="RTFlakfizer"][QUOTE="Cedmln"][QUOTE="RTFlakfizer"]I just watched the video for it off my PS3, and ... what the hell is the point? Is there any goal or objective to the game or is this nothing more than a creative time killer? :|AsinineZomg
Has reality knocked down your door yet? Its looking for you and told me to tell you that ALL video games are time killers...
And the point of the game is to use your creativity and make whatever you want. Yes there is a goal to the game. Try reading up on it if it concerns you that much. Otherwise you're not going to have a smooth ride with most people.
Hmm... then it reminds me of a lot of games on the DS. I believe most people called them... tech demos. :lol:
Really. Creating and customizing your own maps, along with being given maps out of the box warrants the title of tech demo? o lawdi. Then Counter-Strike is a tech demo, as is Half-Life DM and any other online multiplayer game where you can create your own maps.There's a big difference between a tech demo (Yoshi's Touch n Go, Excite Truck) and LBP. LBP is a full-blown game, not a game that's been designed to specifically show off the capabilities of the PS3 in numerous ways. YTNG was meant to show you could play that certain way on the DS, while Excite Truck was, again, made to show you could play a fast-paced over the top racing game on the Wii. Both games were shallow in their content, which is also another defining trait of a tech demo. LBP won't be shallow in content, considering the devs will be adding new items over time and, IIRC, they are allowing users to import pictures from their hard drives to add to the game.
I retract my previous statement. Thanks to the GDC video (that I'm still waiting for it to finish) that Nobuo linked me, I'm beginning to get a better understanding of the scope of this game. The video that was from the PS Store didn't do a very good job of that. I just saw stuff being dropped into the field and falling over. And even if this was just a tech demo, it's the most impressive one I've seen. The real time creation and physics is really impressive! Plus, I can't wait to customize my own little guy! Now I'm actually really excited! Ok, I admit, I stuck my foot in my mouth! *pulls foot out now* :)
I just watched the video for it off my PS3, and ... what the hell is the point? Is there any goal or objective to the game or is this nothing more than a creative time killer? This screams "killer app" just as loud as the rubber ducky game. :|RTFlakfizer
It's winning awards and received something like 30 seconds of applause from the game development community when it was revealed at GDC.
Yeah the GDC stage demo showed off the play element. E3 shows the create element of the game.
TGS has the theme of networking, so it'd be perfect to show the share element.
I just watched the video for it off my PS3, and ... what the hell is the point? Is there any goal or objective to the game or is this nothing more than a creative time killer? This screams "killer app" just as loud as the rubber ducky game. :|RTFlakfizer
I am really trying hard to find out why people like this game so much as well. I'm looking at it from alot of angles and still not seeing it. I just hope there will be a demo so I can find out first hand if this game is the real deal or just some hype inflated balloon.
[QUOTE="RTFlakfizer"]I just watched the video for it off my PS3, and ... what the hell is the point? Is there any goal or objective to the game or is this nothing more than a creative time killer? This screams "killer app" just as loud as the rubber ducky game. :|DA_B0MB
I am really trying hard to find out why people like this game so much as well. I'm looking at it from alot of angles and still not seeing it. I just hope there will be a demo so I can find out first hand if this game is the real deal or just some hype inflated balloon.
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