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I need to see actual games using Natal, until then I won't care much about it.
fanboys want them to die...Gamers and dreamers want them to come out with something better, To keep moving forward in how games are played and not move backwards as we did with the 360 controller being the same as the Xbox controller. HarlockJC
So we all moved backwards with all the great games on 360 because the controller? Same with the great games on PS3 then? And all the great inventive ones PC games too because of kb/m? Saying this you are implying only the Wii moved forward this gen, with all the crappy games which had motion sensing pasted on it just because. I guess some of us prefer to be "backwards" playing good games instead simply relying in new technology that hasn't proved itself yet.
It will not matter when it comes out it will take awhile to get people to take the jump from their 2 button fears.Why not wait until it comes out and try it! That way you opinion will matter. I think it looks like it could be something pretty cool.
I need to see actual games using Natal, until then I won't care much about it.
[QUOTE="HarlockJC"] fanboys want them to die...Gamers and dreamers want them to come out with something better, To keep moving forward in how games are played and not move backwards as we did with the 360 controller being the same as the Xbox controller. Dystopian-X
So we all moved backwards with all the great games on 360 because the controller? Same with the great games on PS3 then? And all the great inventive ones PC games too because of kb/m? Saying this you are implying only the Wii moved forward this gen, with all the crappy games which had motion sensing pasted on it just because. I guess some of us prefer to be "backwards" playing good games instead simply relying in new technology that hasn't proved itself yet.
Should we have just stayed with the classic 2 button control theme then. There were many great games on the NES, is that a reason why we should not have moved forward to the 6 button controllers? Would the SNES have been just as good with 2 buttons has it is with 6? Would we have been fine without analog? Would you have know what you were missing if the controller was never changed? The fact is those add ons made the controller better. No changes at all in the way a controller made is a step backwards.
What's with all these 360 users that said they preferred a comfortable couch to a computer desk suddenly wanting to jump up and flail about in front of a camera?
Should we have just stayed with the classic 2 button control theme then. There were many great games on the NES, is that a reason why we should not have moved forward to the 6 button controllers? Would the SNES have been just as good with 2 buttons has it is with 6? Would we have been fine without analog? Would you have know what you were missing if the controller was never changed? The fact is those add ons made the controller better. No changes at all in the way a controller made is a step backwards.
These changes showed results in improving gameplay right away, and you are comparing that to motion sensing which is something that so far has more bad games attached to it than games that can be put up against the standard scheme and say "Hey this is definitely superior than this other we've been using".
Should we have just stayed with the classic 2 button control theme then. There were many great games on the NES, is that a reason why we should not have moved forward to the 6 button controllers? Would the SNES have been just as good with 2 buttons has it is with 6? Would we have been fine without analog? Would you have know what you were missing if the controller was never changed? The fact is those add ons made the controller better. No changes at all in the way a controller made is a step backwards.
These changes showed results in improving gameplay right away, and you are comparing that to motion sensing which is something that so far has more bad games attached to it than games that can be put up against the standard scheme and say "Hey this is definitely superior than this other we've been using".
It is easier looking backwards and saying that. Every change in gaming every single one. Has had people just like you who state that something will not improve gaming. Everyone one of them it took awhile before people started warming up to the idea. I am not even talking about motion being what was needed to move controllers or gaming forward. See you have it wrong I am not saying the 360 controller is bad because it did not have motion controls. I am saying that it is bad because it does not do anything to improve the gaming experiences from the gen before. I own and enjoy the 360. But past better graphics and more power what has it done to move gaming forward. Natal will be the first big step the 360 has done to help push gaming and not hold it back with just better looks. Look at the Wii has an example we are seeing all new ways to play sports games, we are seeing minigames move into the lime lite and we are getting all new styles of gameplay. Even RTS are starting to move forward on the console systems thanks to the help of a new style controller. Again I am not saying we need a 100% change but staying the same should not be choice.[QUOTE="Shafftehr"][QUOTE="Chris_Williams"] .....well then i'm suffice in my question, i never said why its original just asked how is it different from wats already out there...... i really haven't got any good reason here..we'll just have to wait and see i guess, but this Natal is going to destroy wii and PlayStation trash talk needs to stop... Chris_WilliamsMy post was more for the people calling Natal revolutionary than for you. Wasn't meant to be aimed at a criticism. I entirely agree that Natal shouldn't be called revolutionary until it actually does something for and to gaming. We'll see five years from now whether Natal was revolutionary... We know now it's not original. We also don't know whether it'll be as good as promised or not - could really go either way. All the people speculating, on either side, are doing just that - speculating. If they claim anything more, they're off base. My personal position is I don't like it. I like controllers - I want controllers to stay. Wiimote being revolutionary is a threat to the continuation of a traditional controller (let's face it - you take away the motion ability of the Wiimote and it's basically three generations behind the competition's controllers for ergonomics and general functionality). The last thing I need is something that might become Wiimote style popular coming out also. oh got ya, my WHOLE beef with this natal thing, is its just an add-on, an accessory.... and i really hope this isn't the future of gaming.....btw your sig scares meThe thing with natal that is different than the eyetoy is physically being able to detect motion in 3D space instead of 2D space, before you get into software differences. Natal is also the only one that appears to be flexible enough to either not be used, used by itself, or used in conjuction with the standard controller. It simply has more possibilities in a wider array of situations, across a wider variety of applications.
I'd give you that it appears as good in the things the eyetoy can do, but while natal can do everything the eyetoy can, the eyetoy can't do everything natal can.cause leamings saw the natal in e3 and were so exited that they forgot to see sony's conference and don't know that the new eyetoy is just as good
Should we have just stayed with the classic 2 button control theme then. There were many great games on the NES, is that a reason why we should not have moved forward to the 6 button controllers? Would the SNES have been just as good with 2 buttons has it is with 6? Would we have been fine without analog? Would you have know what you were missing if the controller was never changed? The fact is those add ons made the controller better. No changes at all in the way a controller made is a step backwards.
These changes showed results in improving gameplay right away, and you are comparing that to motion sensing which is something that so far has more bad games attached to it than games that can be put up against the standard scheme and say "Hey this is definitely superior than this other we've been using".
It is easier looking backwards and saying that. Every change in gaming every single one. Has had people just like you who state that something will not improve gaming. Everyone one of them it took awhile before people started warming up to the idea. I am not even talking about motion being what was needed to move controllers or gaming forward. See you have it wrong I am not saying the 360 controller is bad because it did not have motion controls. I am saying that it is bad because it does not do anything to improve the gaming experiences from the gen before. I own and enjoy the 360. But past better graphics and more power what has it done to move gaming forward. Natal will be the first big step the 360 has done to help push gaming and not hold it back with just better looks. Look at the Wii has an example we are seeing all new ways to play sports games, we are seeing minigames move into the lime lite and we are getting all new styles of gameplay. Even RTS are starting to move forward on the console systems thanks to the help of a new style controller. Again I am not saying we need a 100% change but staying the same should not be choice. Exactly. People were poopooing the touch screen on the DS. The motion controller of the wii. The dual analog of the original DS, the analog of the N64, etc etc etc. Does it guarantee that it will change orimprove gaming? No it doesn't, but it is WAY too early to say it can't or won't.Okay...before u PS3 wands Lovers Come in Here..with your swords drawn and your claws out....I'm just a Gamer, like u... sure i have a wii and a xbox360, ...but I'm not a fanboy, i just prefer Nintendo, anyway. Could you guys tell me, what's so big about PS3 wands, I mean I watch the conference again..and you guys were impress with that, i mean i could have sworn i seen PS3 wands from somewhere.... in fact i saw it in my room at the bottom of my tv...oh yeah my wiimote. Call me a fanboy, or whatever but i just don't see the big deal with PS3 wands.. i mean i can only see shovelware coming out for this...and tell me what PS3 wands can do that the wiimote can't... besides not having a ugly ball on the top of the motion controller... Because games that use the wiimote, i don't need a controller for it, "my body is the controller" as you guys say, and yeah i gotta admit the games are kind of meh right now, but i've taken more interest in the wii motion plus that USE the sensor and you gotta admit, that sword demo with the wii motion plus..opens the possiblity for something crazy that will appeal to the core gamers. But what do i know, your going to use the "Your a Nintendo Fanboy", not really.. i just prefer them, tell me how this PS3 wands is revoluntionary as Sony says..thank you
Should we have just stayed with the classic 2 button control theme then. There were many great games on the NES, is that a reason why we should not have moved forward to the 6 button controllers? Would the SNES have been just as good with 2 buttons has it is with 6? Would we have been fine without analog? Would you have know what you were missing if the controller was never changed? The fact is those add ons made the controller better. No changes at all in the way a controller made is a step backwards.
These changes showed results in improving gameplay right away, and you are comparing that to motion sensing which is something that so far has more bad games attached to it than games that can be put up against the standard scheme and say "Hey this is definitely superior than this other we've been using".
It is easier looking backwards and saying that. Every change in gaming every single one. Has had people just like you who state that something will not improve gaming. Everyone one of them it took awhile before people started warming up to the idea. I am not even talking about motion being what was needed to move controllers or gaming forward. See you have it wrong I am not saying the 360 controller is bad because it did not have motion controls. I am saying that it is bad because it does not do anything to improve the gaming experiences from the gen before. I own and enjoy the 360. But past better graphics and more power what has it done to move gaming forward. Natal will be the first big step the 360 has done to help push gaming and not hold it back with just better looks. Look at the Wii has an example we are seeing all new ways to play sports games, we are seeing minigames move into the lime lite and we are getting all new styles of gameplay. Even RTS are starting to move forward on the console systems thanks to the help of a new style controller. Again I am not saying we need a 100% change but staying the same should not be choice.No, you compared motion control directly to adding 2 new buttons, it was something that worked, great games that had more variety and fluid gameplay came by right away, no warming up to the idea, not even analog sticks really need that. These two didn't get as much negative backlash and average at best games by shoving it at games. Also you are too sure that natal will be a huge step, as far as we know it could be another sixaxis in terms of for gaming.
I'm not saying I need to warm up to the idea or that natal will just fail yet, I'm saying little Milo isn't enough from a pure gaming perspective to be calling this all that revolutionary and mazing, and again not even motion control hasn't proven itself to be all that superior yet either.
Thank you they just dont get it.Because Hardcore Xbox Fans never heard of the old Last Generation Eyetoy?
PS Eye toy was nothing more than a motion 'detecting' camera, where as natal has 'per pixel depth sensoring' so it not only can detect minute finger expressions, but the depth of any part of your body at any given moment. This will make full body interaction possible, which is nothing like the PS eye toy.
i dont know why people are hyping natal. it wont work on any games apart from racing gamesand partygames.
PS Eye toy was nothing more than a motion 'detecting' camera, where as natal has 'per pixel depth sensoring' so it not only can detect minute finger expressions, but the depth of any part of your body at any given moment. This will make full body interaction possible, which is nothing like the PS eye toy.
...It can't detect finger movements, which is one of the major problems with it, it can only go as far as full hand movements.
Because Hardcore Xbox Fans never heard of the old Last Generation Eyetoy?
This one...
...and the fact that most Xbox fanboys on here are now showing their true colours, the hypocrites that they are.
Because you can see how the bottom of your Avatar's shoes looks like?
Ahh yes, the avatar, ANOTHER of Microsoft's blatant ripoffs of Nintendo. Seriously, this company can't come up with something original if their lives depended on it! OSX? "We have Windows Vista, but it sucks, so we'll just completely steal all the good stuff from Apple and call it Windows 7!" The iPod? "We have the Zune! ...And we officially suck because we're the company who created the ZUNE!"
[QUOTE="SolidTy"]Thank you they just dont get it. We're not the ones that don't "get it". The ones who keep saying the eyetoy is the same thing just don't "get it". One tracks movement along a square, the other tracks movement within a cube.Because Hardcore Xbox Fans never heard of the old Last Generation Eyetoy?
We're not the ones that don't "get it". The ones who keep saying the eyetoy is the same thing just don't "get it". One tracks movement along a square, the other tracks movement within a cube.[QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"] SOLIDTY :Because Hardcore Xbox Fans never heard of the old Last Generation Eyetoy?
Thank you they just dont get it. Steppy_76
Sound Revolutionary! Cube vs. Square!
No one is saying that there hasn't been improvements, Many years have passed since that old PS2 Product (Which had some 3rd party support from Harry Potter to DDR, but it also had many of it's own games as well.) and Natal still isn't out, meaning more fine tuning.
It's expected that a 360 peripheral would obviously have improvments over a PS2 peripheral.
Obviously, the 360 Natal product (Which still isn't out yet) is going to be newer, and more up to date compared (you know, next gen) over the PS2 product.
The fact that Xfans are going nuts over it, but didn't care about Wii or Eyetoy before is obviously hypocritical.
im actually more interested to see how it would work with a controller. seems like it could be really useful for menu navigation and item selection. ya know play with the controller like normal and just touch the items or parts of the menu you want to go to. it could also really come in handy on RTSs and MMOs.
Lol, nobody is bragging about the PS Wand but nice try. ;)Okay...before u PS3 wands Lovers Come in Here..with your swords drawn and your claws out....I'm just a Gamer, like u... sure i have a wii and a xbox360, ...but I'm not a fanboy, i just prefer Nintendo, anyway. Could you guys tell me, what's so big about PS3 wands, I mean I watch the conference again..and you guys were impress with that, i mean i could have sworn i seen PS3 wands from somewhere.... in fact i saw it in my room at the bottom of my tv...oh yeah my wiimote. Call me a fanboy, or whatever but i just don't see the big deal with PS3 wands.. i mean i can only see shovelware coming out for this...and tell me what PS3 wands can do that the wiimote can't... besides not having a ugly ball on the top of the motion controller... Because games that use the wiimote, i don't need a controller for it, "my body is the controller" as you guys say, and yeah i gotta admit the games are kind of meh right now, but i've taken more interest in the wii motion plus that USE the sensor and you gotta admit, that sword demo with the wii motion plus..opens the possiblity for something crazy that will appeal to the core gamers. But what do i know, your going to use the "Your a Nintendo Fanboy", not really.. i just prefer them, tell me how this PS3 wands is revoluntionary as Sony says..thank you
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