1. Conference was disastrous. They didn't even seem to believe in their own product.
2. Relatively speaking, the PS4 Slim is not as good compared to the PS4 as the Xbox One Slim is compared to the regular Xbox One.
3. We all know Scorpio will destroy the Pro in terms of power. They no longer brag about specs.
4. They're supposedly launching the PS4 to compete with PC. We all know it's bollocks. Why would they offer PSNow on PC if they wanted to compete with them? You don't give whatever gives you an edge to the enemy.
5. They lost two NPD reports in a row after having won I don't remember how many in a row.
6. No Man's Sky debacle
7. No to Fallout 4 mods
It seems they're afraid of an ominous event waiting to happen.
They should take a deep breath and relax. Their console is still leading by a significant margin. Now with the PS4 Slim and Pro being sold, they'll take NPD back.
They're doing more damage control than their own fanboys. Scorpio is still a year away and power doesn't sell consoles. Good marketing, services and games do.
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