Square...they used to make great games like Chrono Trigger/Cross, FF4....FF7/8/9, FFX.....such amazing master pieces. But what happened to them? I noticed after FFX (their last good FF) it started to go downhill, especially with that trash MMO (whih MMO isn't? ). And their character designs have gone off the wall, it happened in FF12, seriously who wanted to play as a cross dresser?
Square is not the giant they used to be, even the hardcore FF fans today have to admit it. I don't know what happened, but Square needs to go back to it's roots, those games were perfect, so use that kind of formula. Whatever it is Square is trying to do today, it isn't working. FF13 is honestly one of the worst games I played this gen. I tried so hard to like it, but I could not. A game should not have to do that, it should not feel like work.
Only FF game I'm looking forward to is FFX HD for PS3, I am not looking forward to any of their new FF games. So why does Square suck now? What happened?
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