Reason one: everything is unified and seamless, you can invite a friend to play your game no matter what game you or they are playing, and it's a one-button function where you just press X to send the invite and then they press accept and they're automatically sent to the game if they have the disc in the tray, it's not just a manual text message that does nothing.
Gamerscore: PSN might soon have this, I'm not sure, all I know is that none of the games on PS3 yet have had this feature, so for this reason I consider most multiplats to be superior on 360 until the trophies system is integrated on PS3 games.
Microsoft pays for servers: This is what you're REALLY paying for. Ever wonder why Virtua Tennis 3 has online on 360 and not on PS3, or why Oblivion on 360 has downloadable content and PS3 doesn't? It's because developers only have to program the online features, they don't have to pay for servers to allow gamers to play online, which means games that are online on 360 will still be online ten years from now as long as Microsoft doesn't pull out, and PS3 games will not. There will also be more online games on 360 than PS3.
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