Or maybe I haven't been here enough lately and I'm just missing the hype that happens around newly released videos and gameplay segments. I don't know what I'm missing but I looked around at some old Ground Zeroes thread and it seems that game left a bad taste in peoples mouths...idk how. I just got a ps4 and that was the second game I bought for it. Went in completely blank with no hype and it blew away my expectations.
IMO this game has absolutely perfect MGS gameplay, everything felt as if it should feel, as you want it to feel. No longer is aiming clunky and annoying like I went in expecting. Instead I got buttery smooth controls, helped by the 60fps running speed. Now when you get spotted shooting your way out is actually fun and feels like a shooter. Also the stealth is much improved with more natural movements for snake. The best thing I noticed is how intuitive cover is, he leans into cover on his own now you don't need to press any buttons to make him stick or hold up on along walls.
I think the thing this new direction for MGS is doing the best for me is that it feels like its going to be a third person Crysis. By that I mean the open, attack a base how you choose, be creative. Games like this you get out of them what you put into them. So with every new gameplay video I see I get more hyped as all I'm seeing is ridiculously good gameplay in them. Aside from the fulton sky hook thing, kind of lame how no one notices it when guys are hooked into the air yelling 5 feet from a guard, I'm going to see if I can make the whole game without using that, hope it isn't absolutely necessary to gameplay.
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