Is the Japanese gaming industry in crisis?
"In 2002, it is estimated that Japan accounted for nearly 50% of the world's gaming market. That has now fallen to around 10% and without Nintendo, with the success of the Wii console, the figure would be even lower - around 8%."
Also, the best-selling game on nearly every console up until the early 2000s was from Japan:
List of best-selling video games
- Atari 2600 - Pac-Man
- ColecoVision - Donkey Kong
- NES - Super Mario Bros
- Mega Drive - Sonic the Hedgehog
- SNES - Super Mario World
- Saturn - Virtua Fighter 2
- PS1 - Gran Turismo
- N64 - Super Mario 64
- Dreamcast - Sonic Adventure
- GameCube - Super Smash Bros Melee
- Wii - Wii Sports
Yes but that also includes handhelds. Which is a mute point. It also included dead systems as well even before the date of that article.
And one singular game doesn't mean anything. The fact of the matter is that western games dominated the charts of the systems you mentioned, this is a biased offense to an objective argument. By using a point that doesn't mean anything, and ignoring previous points I made.
The Atari 2600 was a western dominated machine, pac-man doesn't change that, same with Colecovision. The Genesis was a western dominated machine, Sonic doesn't change that.
The PS1 had a very balanced library between both, but once you started going into the "decent' to small games, western games sold more than their japanese copunterparts. Again, Rugrats search for reptar was considered a small game, however, it sold more than a lot of "favorites" as it were.
This also applies to the N64, which was, outside Nintendo, dominated by western games. The only two area for which the system barely survived off of.
It's even worse for the PS2, as that was also dominated by western games. But people throw an illusion over the PS2's library to make it seem like it was filled with Jrpgs, and niche games like God Hand etc., and believing through nostalgia these were games people were playing and buying, when infact half those games had little impact, and half the Jrpgs barely sold.
Xbox is a obvious.
Issues is the way you presented your post proves what I said before, people believe all this happened in a split second. It hadn't. This had been growing for years. The japanese video game markets numbers are largely inflated by handhelds and Failed/Niche consoles, and this create invalid data on how much domination there actually was. PC games didn't just come to console games and all changed instantly. I mean, the Xbox changed part of the game, but you didn't even see full effect of that part of the change until the end of that generation into the launch of the Xbox 360.
Look at the Genesis, it's sole reason for success, was based on it's massive western/american library. because that was the area the NES basically alienated by either some of those devs running from the NES or the NES not targeting the demographics that the Genesis did. This was changed a bit later, but only because of the Genesis existence itself, it would have been a failure project without those games most likely, even Sega threw in some money to invest in American/western based FP studios. The genesis is a very good example of the start of western game growth on consoles.
Heck on the Gamecube and N64, Nintendo somehow felt it was necessary to have some big games made by western devs. Something that they only would have done if there was a reason to do it.
The reason why things quickly became lopsided after the Xbox is that the foothold was already there. Look at the games of the PS1, N64, PS2 and the Xbox and you'll see that the reason the japanese were behind was that they were in their confortzones and didn't realize why they were considered big in the first place. They also fell behind game design and mechanics that only PC and other computers provided, all were stronger than consoles for years, and once technology started coming into play, japan was still using old console limited formulas at a time where that was no longer sensible to do. Because they though it would still work, and while it did in Japan, it didn't outside of japan.
Now with that said, Japanese games were still important, and were still among the best games out there, but this change to western 90% lopsidedness didn't happen because a switch was flipped, that is all I'm saying, and a lot of people still have this false though inside their heads when they wonder what happened, again it's quite simple, it was already happening.
However, the trends I state also show that Nintendo had also except one time, had issues with Western games, they screwed that up from the start for better or worse, while there were many exceptions, and the N64, So one benefit of this is that if you are looking for japanese games you can't get anywhere else in the current climate by a Nintendo console (or handheld), wonderful 101 probably would not have ever been on PS4/Xbox one. A benefit to the double edged sword. So people upset by the new climate have a place to go.
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