[QUOTE="MotoRacer81"] I never checked the link you provided, but I will state one fact. The Cell on the PS3 is being used to replace super computers. as matter of fact, there was an artilce on GS that said some scientist used 8 PS3's that he got from Sony for free to replace his super computer. If Xenos or whatever it's called is more powerful, then what isn't it being used instead of the Cell? The cell is definitely more powerful acoording to many resources. what people speculate about is the GPU of both consoles which is about the same on both, but if you combine the GPU of the PS3 with the Cell ( the cell can generate graphics and also does AA) you get a more powerful system as far as graphics go. The proof is in the Games. The exclusieve games on the PS3 LOOK much better than anything on the 360, and please don't bring Gears up because I have it on the PC and it's not better looking than Uncharted, R&C or Heavenly Sword.
I'm sorry, you're not qualified to speak about computing and processing. You seem to fail to understand how computing works. It's alright. Maybe it's just lack of experience of study. Just... stay out of these kinds of discussions. You're simply underqualified.
You obviously did not read the link I provided, as I didn't provide a link. Still, I'm going to explain this to you nice an easy: A Supercomputer -as the ones you state- usually takes charge of high-load distributed processing: Basically, highly-parallelizable code. This is very nice and fun when you are, I don't know, doing waveform analysis, folding proteins or calculating the best routes for DHL. Floating point operations abound, and you'll be happy with the PS3 and it's DSPs. Have fun with that.
Now, games, they don't tend to manage these kinds of data too much. Games tend to deal with highly branching code, dot-product operations and otherwise general purpose code.
The PS3's cell processor is weak in this respect, and VERY. It's single general purpose core can handle less code than three general purpose ones, and it also needs to manage the DSPs. Not to mention, the 360 Xenos is rather fast at handling dot-product operations, something the cell must emulate.
Does this mean the cell sucks? No, I'm not a random fanboy frothing and the mouth. It means the Cell is not the godly processor you make it out to be: It's very good under specific circumstances, and not so hot under common circumstances. That's it's being used in supercomputers has very little to do with anything related to gaming.
PS- You have gears on PC, and you find it worse-looking that any of those games? Get something better than a GeForce6800 or get the goggles off.
You are right about the general processing power. But the PS3's PPE isn't where the real work goes on. It just prepares and sends the tasks to the SPEs, and the PPE' high clock rate and no OOO and dual threading makes it better than you'd think. Sure, it may be outdated and not super powerful by itself, but when grouped with the 8 SPEs, it'll hit the target just fine.
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