So my friends, its been almost 20 years. in a period of 2 decades we have seen enough third person games but none of them came close to Max Payne 1 and Mafia1. I wonder why?
what those games in common are. amazing atmosphere, amazing storyline, excellent gameplay combine with a great gunplay and no wall cover nonsense. you have to crouch. even they ruined max payne 3 by putting stupid cover system.
todays every third person game need cover and shoot. and try hard to be like hollywood movies. I recently played vanquish on PC and it is same crap we have seen. it seem like today every third person shooters are gears clone and every third person action games are batman/AC clone with one button combat.
imo Quantum break apart from shitty live action tv series. its actually pretty good. far better than likes of gears, tomb raider and vanquish and highly underrated.
lets hope next remedy game will be as close to max payne 1.
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