How can they get away with this garbage? They're a big-name developer. Do they not even bug test their games at all? Seriously. It's like they slap them together and ship them out without testing for bugs. Every game past Morrowind has been a buggy mess. Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Brink, and now Skyrim. It's unbelievable. And there are GAME-BREAKING bugs. Escortees in an escort mission that just vanish, NPCs not doing what they need to to complete a quest, extreme model clipping, texture issues, falling through objects, and crashing. Oh man, crashing. You thought Source was bad with alt-tabbing? Play a Bethesda game. Hope you like hearing a sound effect on loop for 5 minutes. It's like they spent all the development time on graphics. And even then, the graphics are trash, with horrible models, low-res and pop-in textures, and just overall ugliness. Bethesda games only look good at a distance while squinting.
It's inexcusable, and I honestly don't know how people try to justify buying a Bethesda game at launch.
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