Pretty valid and interesting points, well System wars do you agree?
No cross chat= not better. Id much rather have 4 games a month then the ability to talk to ppl when Im busy playing a sp game. If I really wanna talk ill call them or start a xmb chat. OR I could start a text chat room or just message them. Im I the only one on system wars who texts ppl on my cell more then call I hate texting... maybe do it once a month. I use LIVE to talk to old friends that live all over the country now. LIVE is like cheap long distance for me. So you're probably not the only one addicted to texting, but in terms of quality of communication, speach is superior to texing by a longshot. Honestly, you're just a PS3 enthusiast, and a biased one. If PSN let you have cross console chat for free, you might not ever use it, but you would think it was pretty cool.
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