For those who are lazy...
So I have some friends who retain the snotty pc gaming elitist attitude, which I find odd given how much high-end pc gaming has gone into decline. They still treat their gaming rigs like epeens, talking about Crysis framerates as if anyone cares. Crysis came out in 2007 guys, maybe it is time to re-think the pc gaming elitist identity.
You know I never understood the pc elitist mentality even when I played pc games. Putting together some parts from newegg makes you a superior being? Funny when my neighbor had a ps2 and I had a pc I never looked down on him for it. You know I just saw them both game platforms. Yes video game platforms, not a ****division. That same neighbor actually switched over to pc at some point while I mostly play on the 360 now so I guess that makes him my superior? What a **** retarded outlook.
Most pc exclusives these days are targeted at casual users, a much better demographic than the blinking skull case epeen crowd due to their greater willingness to pay for games while at the same time not caring about high-end graphics.
Of course it is a gross generalization to suggest that most pc gamers use their rigs as penis extensions, but to say that most of them don't pay for games is a fair observation.
The World of Goo, a $20 DRM free indy game had a piracy rate of 90%. That's just plain **** up and any excuse you have you can kindly shove up your ass because there is no valid excuse for stealing the hard work of an indy developer. A 90% piracy rate means that 9 out of 10 people didn't pay for the game, and from what I have read around the web that is close to par for single player pc games.
That 90% is based on sales and completed torrents which actually means it is a conservative estimate since it doesn't include all forms of piracy. It doesn't measure the guy who torrents the game and then gives copies to his friends or downloads it from a private server.
There is still money in pc games but that doesn't mean that it makes sense for every company to target the pc. GTAIV was in fact a poor seller on the pc so no one should be surprised that Rockstar hasn't ported Red Dead when you take that factor along with the high piracy rate. They may port it in the future, but then they may not. Like many gaming companies they are probably concerned with the high piracy rate of the pc version cannibalizing console sales. I certainly saw that in college where people only paid for console games. There was an attitude of entitlement when it came to pc games and music. You can go to any college and find students who drive luxury cars and pirate all their music and games. Anyone who thinks piracy is a economic issue is naive. I'm sure companies like Rockstar get annoyed when they see private college .edu addresses pirating their games.
So instead of complaining and waiting how about just buying the $200 Arcade and plugging it into your monitor? Get your pc elitist fix from Starcraft 2 and accept that consoles will dominate for certain types of games. The pc gets the shaft because of piracy, so instead of getting mad at Rockstar next time tell that douchebag coworker who spent a grand on his gaming pc to buy the **** games instead of being such a cheapskate.
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