@jcrame10 said:
@iandizion713: why would star fox sell and never become discounted but you think ratchet will have to be 20 dollars or less to sell?
Cause Star Fox Zero is a very hardcore game.Some of Nintendos hardcore games sell a majority when they release, then slowly sell out their remaining stock. But its so slow that its not worth replenishing say 250k copies again. It would take way too long to sell that amount. The games also dont sell enough to get a discount. Nintendo rewards gamers discounts after the game sells good. Then they drop the price and send out shipments.
Not saying Ratchet and Clank will be bad and not sell. Im a big fan of Ratchet and Clank and almost own all. But Ratchet and Clank has been away for awhile and i dont think Into the Nexus did as good as they hoped. Most Ratchet and Clank fans already know the story also and from the gameplay not much has changed from their modern games. It all looks like more of the same Ratchet and Clank, just pretty graphics this time.
Also kids dont seem to be buying kids games on PS4 like crazy. Not saying this is a kids game, but they help with sales a lot. This is also a problem, cause many kids and other gamers will not really be in a rush to get the game i dont think. So much stuff to play, it makes it easier to wait for a price drop. And we all know price drops come, its Sony's philosophy.
I think the game will do ok, but not enough, and Sony will mark it down to $19.99 in hopes it will get them a profit for the next games.
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