I wouldn't even care enough to post my complaints about the storytelling in the game if it weren't for the people who think that it's perfect in all ways, and anyone who says anything remotely negative is a biased hater who doesn't own the game.
It's hard to imagine how anyone could say it's a bad game, but it's not a relevatory experience that will revolutionize the third-person action genre forever. It's not an 11 out of 10. It's exceptional and unique, but it has some very acute flaws.
Your problem comes in where you base your whole criticism of the game off of little trivial nitpicked flaws rather than what the game did well. If everyone started from the negative edge the way you did in this post, nobody would ever enjoy anything. I find it funny that you did that, because it's not hard to see what the game did well. Nobody thinks it's perfect in all ways, but it is a great achievement.
Partially because the PoS3 fanboys were shoving the game's success in everyone else's faces ("oh we gotz mgs4 an u dun't loosers haha!"). Many of them seem to be angry at those guys and are fighting back. Also, remember that the entire series is love it or hate it. Either you like the way it plays out or you don't. It also seems like some of your type doesn't realize that fact either and can't stand to see Metal Gear Solid bashed. You may love it, others do legitimately hate it. There is a minor bit of fanboy influence in the denial, though definitely not like the influence you think came purely from fanboyism.
So you're saying that you hate to see a good game do well? Why can't you just give a good game credit? What's wrong with liking a video game. There really is no legitimate "hate" for this game; you are just trying to justify fanboyism. Give credit where it belongs, and don't go into fanboy mode like you did in your post. You have established in your post that you are a pure fanboy. "PoS3"? Yeah. You're one of the peope he is talking about.
Also, no one says "We got MGS4 and you don't!" Most of the threads made about this game are from fanboys trying to discredit the game and failing.
What's wrong with disliking it? I do actually like the Metal Gear Solid series, you know. Still, I can see the other side's point of view and it isn't always fanboyism. I do agree that a good bit of this denial is from the fanboys, though I wish people would realize that you can't please everyone, and Metal Gear Solid has always been that way as well. It is truly a love-it-or-hate-it game. Some people love the cinematic experience, and I do as well, though I know that many people don't like it. Comments I've seen from non-fans are legitimate and it's all taste. I know I love it, and I know others don't.
(As for the PoS3 thing, I personally dislike the way Sony is handling the console, though I can accept that it has some excellent games on it like Metal Gear Solid 4. I have an opinion against the console though I'm open-minded about its games and can easily see the flaws that Microsoft has with the Xbox 360. I have an opinion, yet I'm still open about its games. Anyways, that's besides the point.) And really, those kinds of threads have died down, though back at the release of the game this forum is filled with those kinds of threads. (System Wars does go through those phases, like right now I see the PC gamers coming out more about Diablo 3, Starcraft 2, and the likes.)
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