Honestly, I would like a Sony rep. to come out and say " Unless Activision drops the price of MW2 we might have to revoke their dev. kits for our systems and cut ties all together ":D
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[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"] cod1,2,5 (skipped 3), halo series, half life series, crysis, counter strike, css, cs condition zero, left 4 dead, team fortress 2, quake, doom, final doom, doom 3, far cry (the last half of this game is absolutely horrid), far cry instincts, killzone 2, killzone(this game was pretty boring compared to killzone 2). I might have missed some but these are what i can think of from the top of my head. Be it multiplayer or singleplayer, cod4 is my favourite.
Also please don't accuse me of lying, its really annoying.
My advice: Don't listen to him. He's Insulting, Rude, and Annoying (I should know). He simply doesn't listen to reason when it comes to opinions.Just don't go down to his level. Ignore him.
[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"] cod1,2,5 (skipped 3), halo series, half life series, crysis, counter strike, css, cs condition zero, left 4 dead, team fortress 2, quake, doom, final doom, doom 3, far cry (the last half of this game is absolutely horrid), far cry instincts, killzone 2, killzone(this game was pretty boring compared to killzone 2). I might have missed some but these are what i can think of from the top of my head. Be it multiplayer or singleplayer, cod4 is my favourite.
even though i enjoyed COD4 i will be picking up a USED copy of MW simply because of Activision and their antics :evil:
i personally liked CoD4, take out Juggernaught, Stopping Power, Martrydom and kill streak rewards and it would be in my top 5favorite games.
In all honesty, I never understood why people complained so much about those 3 perks along with Last Stand/Second Chance. Juggernaught isn't that much of a problem and it doesn't give the person using it the huge advantage everyone seems to think it does. I really don't notice in either COD4 or COD5 when people use Juggernaught unless I'm sniping, which just means that the sniper won't be a cheap one hit kill and I will actually have to use some skill to get kills. Same goes for Stopping power more or less. As for Martyrdom, if you really get killed by it, then you deserve it. There is no reason you should be standing that close to the body of someone who just died when the grenade goes off. Hell, even if you knife them you still have enough time to sprint away before the grenade goes off. People should stop complaining about perks and figure out how to get around them.
As for the topic at hand, MW2 looks like it's going to be a great game in my opinion. Sure, it looks like COD4 but that's not really a bad thing. My only problem with the game right now is the fact that they are stripping maps from the game to make some quick cash with DLC. There is absolutely no reason there should be map packs on day one as far as I'm concerned. COD5 may be going a bit overboard with the map packs, but they are spread apart nicely and so far they have been able to satisfy for the most part. I will probably pick this game up on release but I sure as hell won't be buying maps the day the game comes out.
I think the hate for MW2 is ridiculous because people don't know what surprises are in store - I could say its just new maps, but then I could say that about a lot of shooter sequels. biggest_loser
They've risen the price in multiple countries for no reason what so ever. It's currently at £45 here for the standard with a recommended price of £55.
There selling maps day one so that £45 is upped by £10 to £55 just to get the complete game day one. If we factor in there recommended retail price activision thinks we should be paying £65 for there game. That's a £25 increase on console games. That's a whopping £35 increase on PC games. :lol: And WHAT for?
That there is good enough reason to be avoiding this game or picking it up second hand or flat out downloading it. Unless you enjoy paying £55 for a game that's going to be played and then dropped and replaced in less than a year. In which case can you give me £1000? You love giving out money so much.
I wont even go into how the games a cut and paste job.
Day one map packs
Night Vision Goggles
Multiplayer addicted **** holes although that one may be more of a personal thing.
I also hear Activision basically force people to buy the new map packs for WaW and make it near unplayable for those without the packs, wouldn't be surprised if they pulled the same **** here.
That's the way to go.even though i enjoyed COD4 i will be picking up a USED copy of MW simply because of Activision and their antics :evil:
Ah so it's pretty much anti - activision. Got it. Yeah that is some BS bout upping the prices, but I'll still buy it. I do agree about the guitar hero thing, man did that franchise go downhill after the 2nd one.
Well if you're gonna buy it I would suggest buying it used and not new. This is prolly what i'll do. Only if there is sufficient new content, ie, good maps, new weapons, really good SP, more content on MP. Actually, i might just mod MW myself into MW2. Rather than pay someone else to mod it for me then make me pay for it! I dont hate the COD franchise, but i wish they could spice things up a bit. Zombies is awesome on WAW, let hope the SWAT idea works out on MW2Would've been fantastic if his first name was Richard. Then you could've called him Dick Kodick. Or if it was Richard Dotick. Then you could've called him Dick Douchedick.
...you're welcome for the info.
We should call him that anyway :PWould've been fantastic if his first name was Richard. Then you could've called him Dick Kodick. Or if it was Richard Dotick. Then you could've called him Dick Douchedick.
...you're welcome for the info.
Day one map packs
Night Vision Goggles
Multiplayer addicted **** holes although that one may be more of a personal thing.
I also hear Activision basically force people to buy the new map packs for WaW and make it near unplayable for those without the packs, wouldn't be surprised if they pulled the same **** here.
Totally agree, (red highlight) This would be the main reason I'm passing on MW2. Good game just seems to draw flies online.
Day one map packs
Night Vision Goggles
Multiplayer addicted **** holes although that one may be more of a personal thing.
I also hear Activision basically force people to buy the new map packs for WaW and make it near unplayable for those without the packs, wouldn't be surprised if they pulled the same **** here.
Totally agree, (red highlight) This would be the main reason I'm passing on MW2. Good game just seems to draw flies online.
That is one of the main reasons I hate CoD4. It brought the Halo crowds into the franchise, and now Activision wants to solely cater to those twitchy, stat-whoring addicts.I dont know why but people seem to hate games that get hyped alot. Examples:Halo 3, GTA4.
While that may be true, I think the reason for the hate here is Activision's CEO Bobby Kotick. And it's well deserved imho.
[QUOTE="InsaneBasura"]We should call him that anyway :P You know, I almost wrote that. Triple D for short.Would've been fantastic if his first name was Richard. Then you could've called him Dick Kodick. Or if it was Richard Dotick. Then you could've called him Dick Douchedick.
...you're welcome for the info.
Day one map packs
Night Vision Goggles
Multiplayer addicted **** holes although that one may be more of a personal thing.
I also hear Activision basically force people to buy the new map packs for WaW and make it near unplayable for those without the packs, wouldn't be surprised if they pulled the same **** here.
Totally agree, (red highlight) This would be the main reason I'm passing on MW2. Good game just seems to draw flies online.
That is one of the main reasons I hate CoD4. It brought the Halo crowds into the franchise, and now Activision wants to solely cater to those twitchy, stat-whoring addicts.I hate CoD4 because of terrible weapon and perk balancing issues. EVERYBODY uses the MP5 with perks to make it fire faster and do more damage, and if you don't do so as well, your screwed.[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"]Its going to be a great game, can't wait. CoD4 is my favourite fps atm, and ive played all the greats.foxhound_fox
[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"]Its going to be a great game, can't wait. CoD4 is my favourite fps atm, and ive played all the greats.gmc2u_64
Why not? It's HIS OPINION. Is his OPINION so Inferior to YOUR OPINION that you have to talk down to him?If so, you're a jerk. Just sayin'. Hah, Foxhound, you've got your own stalker now.I'm just trying to tell him that he doesn't know his place if he can't accept other's Opinions. I accept (AND Respect) his Opinions, so I (And others) expect the same from him.[QUOTE="gmc2u_64"]
You obviously haven't if CoD4 is your favourite.Verge_6
Why did you call be a "Stalker"?
lol, all the blind senseless hate towards mw2 is funny, yet sad. complaining that its basically cod 4 with new maps? lol, what a fail. i could say the same thing about almost every sequal. omg!!!! super mario galaxy was just mario 64 but in a new location!!! its killing gaming!!! or.... omg!!! twilight princess was the same as oot but in a new place with a few new additions!!! its killing gaming!!! modern warfare 2 is doing exactly what a sequel should be doing, if not more. if you need to throw blind/stupid hate at something, throw it at nintendo.mtradr43a new mario, or zelda game doesnt come out every 10 months...and those games have alot more improvements/upgrades than any of the call of duties have had on the previous ones...
Just my words.Its not "Modern Warfare 2," its just Modern Warfare with some new maps. Its exactly like Guitar Hero getting a new song list every year (now, its every few months). Everyone should hate MW2 and Activision, they are killing gaming.
[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]Agreed, same old same old, and it may be doing good financial business for some but as a whole it's just promoting shallow lifeless gaming run by super companies that don't give a rats ass about gamers.Its not "Modern Warfare 2," its just Modern Warfare with some new maps. Its exactly like Guitar Hero getting a new song list every year (now, its every few months). Everyone should hate MW2 and Activision, they are killing gaming.
Well there is more to it than that. There is more/new guns, better graphics, supposively more bigger size maps (remains to be seen), more perks, new onilne system with possilbly more types of online games(will have to wait and see but would not doubt it). Its game of the year material all over again based off of what I've seen thats the impression I'm getting from it.
When I say new online system hopefully it wil be where you can pick and choose the lobby of the game you want to enter, choose the maps you want to play, and decide on the rules of the game you want to play. Decide in the game if you want to host a game or not instead of being randomly chosen.
Based on how Activitision is acting its telling me they have game of the year and they want more money for it this time around.
MW2 is just the same as CoD 4 with the addition of prettier graphics and sticky grenades. To make it worse, Actvision is withholding content to be released via DLC on day 1, thats after you buy the full game.
I think we need to see more of the single player to judge that Wasdie. Maybe the single player levels are more open-ended (somewhat) with already-spawned NPCs that don't pop up like carnival targets.
the hate mostly comes from elitist PC gamers who have lost the meaning of the word "fun" somewhere down the road and can't understand that people like games like CoD and don't like über relaistics FPS-es where you die the moment a bullet flies anywhere near 10m of you
CoD4 is atm still one of the best FPS-es with an amazing immersive singleplayer and an excelent MP
MW2 will be atleast that, day 1 buy from me
and I say that as someone who only owns a PC
[QUOTE="Crossel777"] Yes and buy 3 copies of Brutal Legend to add insult to injury.foxhound_fox
as what others are saying the hate is more with activison not infinity ward. i really feel bad for infinity ward they've always made great games and it activison sticking their nose and messing with a great formula by having another team make a COD game in the off years of infinity ward and activion jacking up the PC and UK versions of the game
Hah, Foxhound, you've got your own stalker now.Verge_6
the hate mostly comes from elitist PC gamers who have lost the meaning of the word "fun" somewhere down the road and can't understand that people like games like CoD and don't like über relaistics FPS-es where you die the moment a bullet flies anywhere near 10m of you
CoD4 is atm still one of the best FPS-es with an amazing immersive singleplayer and an excelent MP
MW2 will be atleast that, day 1 buy from me
and I say that as someone who only owns a PC
Whoa, ignorance is a bliss indeed. You don't have to deal with the anger of being ripped off...
LOL not a bad point. But hey i am buying madden10 and the prestige MW2 money is nothing honestly, I slave hard for my money and spend it on what i want!The same reason people hate the Yankees, Patriots, Michael Phelps, or anything else that is successful. It's cool to hate on the winners.
Yeah, it's kind of like saying "people hate every decision Hitler makes".Hanass
which would be a realy stupid view of the world since Hitler made a lot of good decisions
oh and godwins law and ****
Whoa, ignorance is a bliss indeed. You don't have to deal with the anger of being ripped off...Hanass
I don't get it, what the hell are trying to say with that
[QUOTE="Verge_6"]Hah, Foxhound, you've got your own stalker now.
P.S. Awesome job assuming that I take the Internet TOO seriously. Are you Psycic? :roll:
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