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Dear Rikusaki,
Tears are shedding down my cheeks. Why would you abandon us! I am ending my life!
life goes on that is the circle of life. learned it from watching the lion king. salutations and hakuna matada my friend.
hahahahaha i am sooo evil! lems FTW! the 360 will outsell the PS3 for the ENITE generation!
Well, you're learning to spell like a lemming, wow.
We are a dying breed, us brothers, and you go and ABANDON US.
I hope you get dead, you BETRAYER!!!!!!
[QUOTE="club-sandwich"][QUOTE="Rikusaki"][QUOTE="Udsen"]Dear Rikusaki,
Tears are shedding down my cheeks. Why would you abandon us! I am ending my life!
noo pls dont!:cry:
did you read my PM?)
you better explain that mister :xexplain wut? what are u talking about? lol
that PM. :|[QUOTE="club-sandwich"][QUOTE="Rikusaki"][QUOTE="Udsen"][QUOTE="club-sandwich"]Dear Rikusaki,
Tears are shedding down my cheeks. Why would you abandon us! I am ending my life!
noo pls dont!:cry:
did you read my PM?)
you better explain that mister :xexplain wut? what are u talking about? lol
that PM. :|oh, that? um.. that was part of my sig and i just changed it back.
The biggest shock would be to see renegade turning into a, that would be historical!:shock:Art_424historical would be if ProtossRushX turned into a sheep. :shock:
Did you break up with Rachet and now want to get back at the PS3 rikusaki?:lol:, to start, you need to show your true colors, get rid of your rachet avatarand put a 360 title to see if you are a true lemming now.Art_424
i still think lombaxes are cute but that doesnt mean i like the system he is on
Did you break up with Rachet and now want to get back at the PS3 rikusaki?:lol:, to start, you need to show your true colors, get rid of your rachet avatarand put a 360 title to see if you are a true lemming now.Art_424
time for me to become a true-sheep. sigh throws 360 away. i refuse to be in the same group as tc. looks at npd as usual wii dominates competition. haha.
[QUOTE="Art_424"]Did you break up with Rachet and now want to get back at the PS3 rikusaki?:lol:, to start, you need to show your true colors, get rid of your rachet avatarand put a 360 title to see if you are a true lemming now.istreakforfood
time for me to become a true-sheep. sigh throws 360 away. i refuse to be in the same group as tc. looks at npd as usual wii dominates competition. haha.
the wii is okay, but the ps3 is horrible. the 360 is defiately the one to get.
[QUOTE="istreakforfood"][QUOTE="Art_424"]Did you break up with Rachet and now want to get back at the PS3 rikusaki?:lol:, to start, you need to show your true colors, get rid of your rachet avatarand put a 360 title to see if you are a true lemming now.Rikusaki
time for me to become a true-sheep. sigh throws 360 away. i refuse to be in the same group as tc. looks at npd as usual wii dominates competition. haha.
the wii is okay, but the ps3 is horrible. the 360 is defiately the one to get.
wii roxxs. you are so blind. ps3 is ok, but 360 is the one you should advoid like if its the black plague.
[QUOTE="Rikusaki"][QUOTE="istreakforfood"][QUOTE="Art_424"]Did you break up with Rachet and now want to get back at the PS3 rikusaki?:lol:, to start, you need to show your true colors, get rid of your rachet avatarand put a 360 title to see if you are a true lemming now.istreakforfood
time for me to become a true-sheep. sigh throws 360 away. i refuse to be in the same group as tc. looks at npd as usual wii dominates competition. haha.
the wii is okay, but the ps3 is horrible. the 360 is defiately the one to get.
wii roxxs. you are so blind. ps3 is ok, but 360 is the one you should advoid like if its the black plague.
omg why?? pls tell me why u think this
[QUOTE="istreakforfood"][QUOTE="Art_424"]Did you break up with Rachet and now want to get back at the PS3 rikusaki?:lol:, to start, you need to show your true colors, get rid of your rachet avatarand put a 360 title to see if you are a true lemming now.Rikusaki
time for me to become a true-sheep. sigh throws 360 away. i refuse to be in the same group as tc. looks at npd as usual wii dominates competition. haha.
the wii is okay, but the ps3 is horrible. the 360 is defiately the one to get.
you're trying too hard. :|[QUOTE="Rikusaki"][QUOTE="istreakforfood"][QUOTE="Art_424"]Did you break up with Rachet and now want to get back at the PS3 rikusaki?:lol:, to start, you need to show your true colors, get rid of your rachet avatarand put a 360 title to see if you are a true lemming
time for me to become a true-sheep. sigh throws 360 away. i refuse to be in the same group as tc. looks at npd as usual wii dominates competition. haha.
the wii is okay, but the ps3 is horrible. the 360 is defiately the one to get.
you're trying too hard. :|seriously! the ps3 is like soo bad omg... the 360 is like soo good! yay! i like it whem im right
no, seriously, you're pushing it. :|seriously! the ps3 is like soo bad omg... the 360 is like soo good! yay! i like it whem im right
what are we talking about now???????HellRazer360
talking about how great the ps3 is and how the 360 is full of fail. more like full of rrod fail, rofl.
ps3 has the cell. its a superior advance technology that makes the 360 look like a 1950's radio. ps3 is the console to own if you want to play superior games like ratchet, uncharted, killzone 2, mgs4, ff13, lair, heavenly sword, and the list goes on. did i mention that it also has folding@home it. someday it will cure cancer while 360 only causes cancer and tumor.
Really does anyone believe the TC?Eltroz
i do. i must show him/her the light how the ps3 is uber console to own while the 360 is full of rrod fail. booo 360.
- Better Games
- Yep
- Better Exclusives
- Yep
- Better Graphics
- You know it
- Better Controller
- Yep! fits perfectly in my hands!
- Very Reliable, never crashes
- Yep, just like Windows
- Cheaper than the PS3
- Of course, it's way cheaper
- Does more than the PS3
- Way more
- Better Online
- XBL owns all
- Larger User Base
- Yeah, so you have more friends to play with!
- NO Lair
- Oh yeah
- Has more AAAs than the PS3
- Check.
So what do you think? Is the 360 the system to get this holiday season?Rikusaki
You know I was only kidding right? Dude if what you like is the PS3, then by all means go for it, but don't say how the PS3 is superior period. *checks Rikusaki's temperature*
[QUOTE="HellRazer360"]what are we talking about now???????istreakforfood
talking about how great the ps3 is and how the 360 is full of fail. more like full of rrod fail, rofl.
ps3 has the cell. its a superior advance technology that makes the 360 look like a 1950's radio. ps3 is the console to own if you want to play superior games like ratchet, uncharted, killzone 2, mgs4, ff13, lair, heavenly sword, and the list goes on. did i mention that it also has folding@home it. someday it will cure cancer while 360 only causes cancer and tumor.
okay....all those games are full of fail....the only one that looked remotely fun is rachet future or whatever...uncharted is platforming BS...killzone is copying halo...mgs4 copied off of forza motorsport 2...ff13 copied mass effect....lair is just a failure....heavenly sword copied off of ninja gaiden....oh and by thye way..the ps3 gave me raped me while i was crushed me under its bulkyness and fatness[QUOTE="istreakforfood"][QUOTE="HellRazer360"]what are we talking about now???????HellRazer360
talking about how great the ps3 is and how the 360 is full of fail. more like full of rrod fail, rofl.
ps3 has the cell. its a superior advance technology that makes the 360 look like a 1950's radio. ps3 is the console to own if you want to play superior games like ratchet, uncharted, killzone 2, mgs4, ff13, lair, heavenly sword, and the list goes on. did i mention that it also has folding@home it. someday it will cure cancer while 360 only causes cancer and tumor.
okay....all those games are full of fail....the only one that looked remotely fun is rachet future or whatever...uncharted is platforming BS...killzone is copying halo...mgs4 copied off of forza motorsport 2...ff13 copied mass effect....lair is just a failure....heavenly sword copied off of ninja gaiden....oh and by thye way..the ps3 gave me raped me while i was crushed me under its bulkyness and fatnessno you're wrong. it was that deceitful evil console knows as the xbox 360 elite along with its add on such as hd-dvd player, wireless internet, and 360 external fan.
I have talked to Rikusaki, and we have both now become Lemmings.
What are some really good 360 games?
rrod :lol:
[QUOTE="Rikusaki"] Better GamesDEBATABLEI know this was a joke thread, but I still felt like correcting this for all the people who think that this thread was serious.
Better Controller YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING :|
Very Reliable, never crashesTHIS HAS TO BE A JOKE
Larger User BaseTRUE
Has more AAAs than the PS3 TRUE
So what do you think? Is the 360 the system to get this holiday season?HELL NO!
Great read. There wasn't a single subjective statement in that entire thread. Excellent point.
The only problem is... I prefer to buy consoles that aren't broken.
[QUOTE="-wii60-"]This thread fails, everyone knows that u're a praising it, tomorrow u'll bash 360.Rikusaki
im a lem. i will never bash the 360 ever! BELIEVE IT!
Does that mean u would have followed through with ur bet and do as u said u would for losing for R & C?
[QUOTE="Rikusaki"][QUOTE="-wii60-"]This thread fails, everyone knows that u're a praising it, tomorrow u'll bash 360.kcpp2b
im a lem. i will never bash the 360 ever! BELIEVE IT!
Does that mean u would have followed through with ur bet and do as u said u would for losing for R & C?
I think its part of the bet, better late than never!...:lol:
[QUOTE="kcpp2b"][QUOTE="Rikusaki"][QUOTE="-wii60-"]This thread fails, everyone knows that u're a praising it, tomorrow u'll bash 360.Art_424
im a lem. i will never bash the 360 ever! BELIEVE IT!
Does that mean u would have followed through with ur bet and do as u said u would for losing for R & C?
I think its part of the bet, better late than never!...:lol:
His bet was between SMG and R & C score. He had to simply praise the SMG game in the group bet thread made for that bet but refused to do it... so Hall of Shame for TC
Well first off, why not the PS3? People say the games stink on it. I say I don't think so. Look at the first year of PS2 games. What was there that was good? Tekken Tag (fighting game, 9.6), SSX (sports game, 9.4), Fifa 2001 (sports game, 9.1), Madden 2001 (sports game, 9.1), Guitar Freaks 3rd mix (no clue, 9.0). Besides those games, games ranged anywhere from 3.5 - 8.6. The games were bad. What did it have? It could play DVD movies. Sounds like deja vu to me. So now here's the PS3 and it's a year and 1 month into it's life. It has over 7 games rated at above 9.0 and they are all different kinds of games. It has a blu-ray player and looks good. Sounds like history repeating itself. We have known since it came out that the good stuff would arrive a year and a half into it's life. The same thing happened with the 2 previous consoles. The system undoubtably has the best 08 lineup and had a price-drop. Blu-ray is also growing and they have a powerful ad campaign going. Actually, the beautiful new PS3 commercial was seen by me about a month ago and drew me into looking into getting a console. So let's see, we have a free online interface (which a lot of us would agree looks better than XBL) and it will have a free 3D chat program called Home released soon. There are also very popular and fun games coming out in the next half of a year. Another big thing is the system's reliability. I have only 1 friend who owns an X360 and he's on his 3rd one and tired of it. It has costed him dear amounts of money and I can't believe how lame of a situation that is. The PS3 has been shown to be the most reliable console of this generation with almost non-existent failure rates. In the long-haul MS will just dump you guys again. When they are done soaking in your money Xbox540 will come out. You'll love it and you'll pay for it. You'll defend it and make enemies on the internet over it. You'll get addicted and you'll lose friends over it. But who cares, it has Halo 4. The PS3 will have a longer lifespan, without a doubt, and Sony wont just dump us and make a new console. PS2 is still selling like a monster and people are loving it. Xbox wasn't the same, why would they do it this generation? So what's the point of what I'm saying you ask? Well, those of us who do like the Playstation have good reason to. I'd go as far as to say that I really like Nintendo but I hate Microsoft. I thought Sega had a much better crowd than the Xbox. I didn't see such ignorant posts and spam from them on forums back in the day. It might be a social thing or it might just be the way XBL affects the people who touch it. It doesn't surprise me, considering when I played it at wall-mart I heard the N-word over a dozen times. Sounds like a bad community to me. Take it with a grain of salt but whether the PS3 gets first second or third in 4 years is unpredictable but I would like to be one of the first to say that I don't think this war will end the way you want or expect it to. Eyes and ears open for the next 24 months, and if you suddenly feel the urge to join me, send me a message and I'll show you where to buy a PS3.
[QUOTE="Rikusaki"]I know this was a joke thread, but I still felt like correcting this for all the people who think that this thread was serious.No, you felt like making a biased post, get your facts straight.Better GamesDEBATABLE better games is subjetive, but score wise, it has better games.
Better ExclusivesPS3 HAS BETTER EXCLUSIVES the 360 has AAAE, the PS3 doesn't so no.
Better GraphicsPS3 IS MORE POWERFUL IN THE GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT i don't know about that but it has a few games that look better.
Better Controller YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING :| ever played with a 360? I doubt it, the controller is pretty cool.
Very Reliable, never crashesTHIS HAS TO BE A JOKE agreed on this.
Cheaper than the PS3NOT MUCH CHEAPER, PLUS WITH THE PS3 YOU GET A BLU-RAY PLAYER ALSO the 360 comes bundled with 2 games, so yeah it is cheaper.Does more than the PS3THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE how so? both can play games, and you can watch movies on them.
Better OnlinePS3 HAS FREE ONLINE free =/= better, XBL is better, and you know it.
Larger User BaseTRUE
Has more AAAs than the PS3 TRUE
So what do you think? Is the 360 the system to get this holiday season?HELL NO!
[QUOTE="flashattackfina"]cows can change into lemmings
hey they like paying for online then of course they can change.
Having voice chat alone is worth 50 dollars a year.I Just picked up UT3 and what do you know no voice chat. Give me a break.
[QUOTE="ff7isnumbaone"][QUOTE="flashattackfina"]cows can change into lemmings
hey they like paying for online then of course they can change.
Having voice chat alone is worth 50 dollars a year.I Just picked up UT3 and what do you know no voice chat. Give me a break.
it does have voice Chat hold right on the dpad.Please Log In to post.
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