Here are the reasons why I sold off my Wii (for a profit) and my 360, and bought a PS3...
Xbox 1 was innovative. It includes a hdd built in making memory cards obsolete, had ethernet built in, it started the online play revolution, and gave you a ton of bang for your buck.
What I realized though, is that with the 360's success, Microsoft has gotten money hungry...
The 360 is the only console this generation that charges for a WiFi attachment, and a $100 at that. The DS, the PSP, the Wii and the PS3 all include WiFi cards inside the consoles. But Microsoft makes you pay an extra $100 just for the WiFi attachment!
They charge $50 to play online. Fine. But guess what, you have to pay another $50 if you want to have a friend play beside you on the same console. That's pretty greedy. If I have a live membership, and I have a friend over, both of us should be able to play on live as long as we are both on the same console. But MS says no, you have pay another $50 for your friend even when they are on the same console as you!!
Despite paying money for live, MS doesn't have dedicated servers, Sony games do!! Seriously, how is that for irony. Call of Duty on 360 was required to operate within the confines of Live. This means that like all live games, it sought out the player with the best internet connection and used them to host the game. Meanwhile on the PS3, CoD4's devs host the game on dedicated servers free from MS's restrictions. So the online gameplay is much smoother! Believe me, I owned and played the game on both consoles.
Game Devs are not allowed to utilize the hdd on the 360 to pool large amounts of data. It's a rule by MS, no game require you to have a hdd. That's going to limit how expansive and free sand box games can be in the future! I paid for the hdd, I want game devs to be able to use it to enhance my experience.
Digital Downloads suck! Seriously, I bought a bunch of Live games. When I sent in 360 for a repair, they replaced my console. But guess what, they were tied to the console that I sent in for repair. And MS refused to refund my money for the live games! If I buy a game, I want to actually own it. I want to be able to return it if it ends up having serious problems. I want to be able to sell it off on ebay when I get sick of it. With digital downloads, you don't get the same freedom, but it's what the 360 pushes.
Blu Ray is awesome. Trust me, I eventually wound up getting a hdtv. And high def video is the future. I am so happy Sony included it in their console.
While all the great games were on 360 last year, this year, all the great games are coming out for the PS3 instead! This was the perfect time to switch.
I got the PS3 for $260 because Target gave a $40 gift card with PS3 purchase and on top of that, Sony gave $100 off of PS3 if you subscribe to a Sony credit card...
I love that the PS3's controllers have a built in rechargable battery. Having to swap out batteries is a pain, and very pricy.
Nintendo is being just as greedy with the Wii. Not only are they charging $250 for a gamecube with a new controller, plus $60 for each of these controllers, but now they're charging for online play too! And worst of all, they only have two games worth getting imho, Wii Sports and Smash Brothers Brawl. Once Brawl comes out, the Wii is going to go through a massive dry spell of games.
In short, thats why I sold off my Wii and 360 and bought a PS3. What about you?
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