As a gamer, it's hard for me to justify Sales as the reason I'm not getting and playing 360 exclusives. Times have changed, and after struggling with 3RRODs and one E74, I unfortunately use my 360 a lot more for exclusives these days for the most part, so this lack of exclusives is a bummer for me. It's a bummer thinking that I'm not getting games because marketing is more important than the games themselves. The 360 had such a wonderful GAMING start this generation, I'm not going to justify lack of games because sales, or Kinect.
Is that what it's coming down to? Sales and Marketing is now more important to us, the Gamers?...not for me, I've said it before, I'll say it again. I come to SW to chat about Games with GAMERS.
Besides, that article relies on
Even going with his VGCharts links and VGCharts logic (lol), his examples are BulletStorm (Even I played on 360 for GeoW3 Beta) which came out the same time as Killzone 3...what do you think PS3 owners were going to buy?
L.A. Noire's Sales released in the U.S. first, so it's sales are going to be 360 leaning which the 360 has a huge 10 million install base lead in the U.S.
Many users had a lot to say about this article (at whatculture, I've never heard of them till today), but I will post two :
User "cmon now" : "This article is a little misinfromed.
Firstly when comparing Bulletstorm on each console i would ask that you remember what cam out on the same day, KILLZONE 3, one of the ps3′s big release's. Both were FPS and Killzone had alot more hype and in my opinion was the better game. Bulletstorm alos had included a Gears 3 beta, which is big news to xbox gamers. La Noir's numbers provided were for North America, where Xbox has a 10 million hardware lead, and this number does not included Europe or Japan where the game is being released next week. Also third party games wont sell as well on the PS3 becuase of the slew of exlcusives that are coming out. what should i buy, Killzone, Infamous, Dc Universe, LBP, Yakuza or Brink. hmm, i will choose Brink. Remember PS3 fanboys beleieve that console exclusives play and look better (i would agree in some cases). So when writing a story such as this look at the big picture."
User "Chris" :"Sure games do sell slightly better on 360 but that is because of 2 reasons.
1) Ps3 owners buy the Sony exclusives instead, thus detracting from most multiplatform game sales
2) The 360 still has a larger userbase, more people = more games sold. It has a much larger userbase in America which alot of game sales are procured from.
Additionally, Bulletstorm came out on the same day as Killzone 3, (nice choice there epic!) So of course every PS3 user got Killzone, (which outsold Bulletstorm on 360). Alternatively very few Ps3 users got Bulletstorm. Nice cherry picking on that one.And despite the larger user base and less competing exclusives, there are some 3rd party game which have sold better on PS3."
Just remember, it's great that both machines are doing well, but I think it's with all the raw profits and millions, if not billions that Xbox LIVE is raking would be more admirable if we saw some more Xbox exclusives. The money is there, why not make some games for us Xbox Gamers? Ironically, Sony, the company that is seemingly having a rough time financially this generation is pumping out quality games for us to play.
As a gamer, I'm thankful that games are literally being created so I can play them...even if sadly, my favorite games don't bring the Madden/COD/Halo/Mario/Gran Turismo types of sales, it's okay. It's all about the games FOR ME, and I would hope it would be about the games for US gamers. Obviously, it's all about the sales for the companies.
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