Ok, this may be a long speal, so grab a coke and siddown.
Ok i have a few reasons(with the evidence promised;))
Reason #1: Disc Space
Now, what type of disc does the 360 use? Dvd. What type of disc does the Ps3 use? Blu-ray. I'm sure your all familiar with these disc formats, but for those who aren't, standard DvD's hold 9GB, whereas Blu-Ray holds 50GB. Now in doing the math it's easy to see that Blu-Ray holds over 5x that of a standard Dvd. That's a helluva lot of space, and your probably saying "who's gonna use that much space, Dev.'s barley use the 9GB's of dvd space!" Well, next Gen Games will! Let's just say that a dev. is using half the space of a blu-ray disc. That's 30GB, if they were to try to port that it'd need at the very least, with some downgrading, 3 discs! That may seem like no bigge, right? WRONG! This will cause dev.'s to put out 3x as much (money) as usualy per disc! When games come to use up to the full capacity of the Blu-ray's that'll be 6 discs per game! Now, if i was a dev. this would seriously discourage me from porting as many games as are now, or even taking a "system seller" to a different system(that is, unless it was coming from microsoft's dev. team).
Reason #2:Raw Power
Now, in this gen the Raw power is much more even than in last gen, with sony having the slight edge. Now, i know raw power doesn't matter since it's so close but consider this: Your flying through space, and you are going through am asteroid field. As you come up and dodge a meteor you can see all he rocks and matter on it. Now if this scene was detailed enough you'd be pushing all the system's power. Say you didn't have enough power to push? Framerate drops, wierd features popping into view at random. Not very fun anymore?
http://www.gamespot.com/features/6125087/index.html?type=tech courtsey of GS staff. Scroll to bottom for power comparison
Reason #3:Sony's seniority
Sony's fanbase is much larger than microsofts(gaming) fanbase, pushing the consumers in their direction. They also have been in with 3 gen's, whereas microsoft was a late addition to last gen. This may not have a big effect, but if it becomes close in the end(which i do not forsee;)) this could have an effect.
Now, i know i may be opening Pandora's box here, so no flaming please.
*****THIS IS MY BELIEF******(jeez)***
edit(by popular demand i suppose): xbox lost(in sales) because it was a late joiner^^^read between the lines
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