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Which is why the Xbox did so well against the PS2...oh, woops.Verge_6
i'm not siding with him or anything, but raw power was not the only factor he mentioned. he alstalked about fanbase. and the last as i recall, the playstation had a very large fanbase while the xbox was new, so had none.
Ok, this may be a long speal, so grab a coke and siddown.
Ok i have a few reasons(with the evidence promised;))
Reason #1: Disc Space
Now, what type of disc does the 360 use? Dvd. What type of disc does the Ps3 use? Blu-ray. I'm sure your all familiar with these disc formats, but for those who aren't, standard DvD's hold 9GB, whereas Blu-Ray holds 50GB. Now in doing the math it's easy to see that Blu-Ray holds over 6x that of a standard Dvd. That's a helluva lot of space, and your probably saying "who's gonna use that much space, Dev.'s barley use the 9GB's of dvd space!" Well, next Gen Games will! Let's just say that a dev. is using half the space of a blu-ray disc. That's 30GB, if they were to try to port that it'd need at the very least, with some downgrading, 3 discs! That may seem like no bigge, right? WRONG! This will cause dev.'s to put out 3x as much (money) as usualy per disc! When games come to use up to the full capacity of the Blu-ray's that'll be 6 discs per game! Now, if i was a dev. this would seriously discourage me from porting as many games as are now, or even taking a "system seller" to a different system(that is, unless it was coming from microsoft's dev. team).
Reason #2:Raw Power
Now, in this gen the Raw power is much more even than in last gen, with sony having the slight edge. Now, i know raw power doesn't matter since it's so close but consider this: Your flying through space, and you are going through am asteroid field. As you come up and dodge a meteor you can see all he rocks and matter on it. Now if this scene was detailed enough you'd be pushing all the system's power. Say you didn't have enough power to push? Framerate drops, wierd features popping into view at random. Not very fun anymore? courtsey of GS staff. Scroll to bottom for power comparison
Reason #3:Sony's seniority
Sony's fanbase is much larger than microsofts(gaming) fanbase, pushing the consumers in their direction. They also have been in with 3 gen's, whereas microsoft was a late addition to last gen. This may not have a big effect, but if it becomes close in the end(which i do not forsee;)) this could have an effect.
Now, i know i may be opening Pandora's box here, so no flaming please.*****THIS IS MY BELIEF******(jeez)***edit(by popular demand i suppose): xbox lost(in sales) because it was a late joiner^^^read between the lines
1.your first reason backfires, as i look forward in the future to a two-year long final fantasy. you guys know that blue dragon is
going to be 3 discs long(yes i know it's because of cinematics)? that wouldn't be a problem on ps3.
2.raw power doesn't really matter, as ps2 had crap graphics compared to xbox, and it still outsold it several times over.
3. sony's seniority HELPS sony. i don't know why you would use it against ps3.
[QUOTE="Rob2223"]ok by your logic:
Xbox should have outsold Ps2.
i win
good point
OMG !!!!!!!!! its that purple thing(your pic) from Mcdonalds,quick some one give me a mallet,that purple bastard is going to pay for taking my Happy Meal toy 11 years ago. lol
1.- Blu-ray games have so far been really, really uncompressed. Still, BD would be ownage, since it's on 3 DVDs... well, 3 DVDs (4 or 5, if you wish) are still cheaper than a single BR disc.... and they require no overhead on production facilities. Make no mistake, putting these things on DVDs is cheaper (right now) than on Blu-Ray media... and it's easier, too.
Of course, if you knew something, you'd argue how multidisc games use up less space on a single disk, so a 17gb game will NOT fit on 2 DVDs. I mention this because it's still the same thing. Cost isn't easy on the BRD.
2.- Unproven if the PS3's raw matrix calculations data can be achievable under real-world performance... and even if it can... may I ask you, did you own an Xbox last generation? did you prefer it over the PS2?
3.- Back in 1996, you could've said something about Ninty seniority. Look at the past decade.
Ok, this may be a long speal, so grab a coke and siddown.
Ok i have a few reasons(with the evidence promised;))
Reason #1: Disc Space
Now, what type of disc does the 360 use? Dvd. What type of disc does the Ps3 use? Blu-ray. I'm sure your all familiar with these disc formats, but for those who aren't, standard DvD's hold 9GB, whereas Blu-Ray holds 50GB. Now in doing the math it's easy to see that Blu-Ray holds over 6x that of a standard Dvd. That's a helluva lot of space, and your probably saying "who's gonna use that much space, Dev.'s barley use the 9GB's of dvd space!" Well, next Gen Games will! Let's just say that a dev. is using half the space of a blu-ray disc. That's 30GB, if they were to try to port that it'd need at the very least, with some downgrading, 3 discs! That may seem like no bigge, right? WRONG! This will cause dev.'s to put out 3x as much (money) as usualy per disc! When games come to use up to the full capacity of the Blu-ray's that'll be 6 discs per game! Now, if i was a dev. this would seriously discourage me from porting as many games as are now, or even taking a "system seller" to a different system(that is, unless it was coming from microsoft's dev. team).
Reason #2:Raw Power
Now, in this gen the Raw power is much more even than in last gen, with sony having the slight edge. Now, i know raw power doesn't matter since it's so close but consider this: Your flying through space, and you are going through am asteroid field. As you come up and dodge a meteor you can see all he rocks and matter on it. Now if this scene was detailed enough you'd be pushing all the system's power. Say you didn't have enough power to push? Framerate drops, wierd features popping into view at random. Not very fun anymore? courtsey of GS staff. Scroll to bottom for power comparison
Reason #3:Sony's seniority
Sony's fanbase is much larger than microsofts(gaming) fanbase, pushing the consumers in their direction. They also have been in with 3 gen's, whereas microsoft was a late addition to last gen. This may not have a big effect, but if it becomes close in the end(which i do not forsee;)) this could have an effect.
Now, i know i may be opening Pandora's box here, so no flaming please.*****THIS IS MY BELIEF******(jeez)***edit(by popular demand i suppose): xbox lost(in sales) because it was a late joiner^^^read between the lines
You phail at math...9x6 =54. 50GB isn't OVER 6 times the space of standard DVD.
[QUOTE="Raziel1144"]Ok, this may be a long speal, so grab a coke and siddown.
Ok i have a few reasons(with the evidence promised;))
Reason #1: Disc Space
Now, what type of disc does the 360 use? Dvd. What type of disc does the Ps3 use? Blu-ray. I'm sure your all familiar with these disc formats, but for those who aren't, standard DvD's hold 9GB, whereas Blu-Ray holds 50GB. Now in doing the math it's easy to see that Blu-Ray holds over 6x that of a standard Dvd. That's a helluva lot of space, and your probably saying "who's gonna use that much space, Dev.'s barley use the 9GB's of dvd space!" Well, next Gen Games will! Let's just say that a dev. is using half the space of a blu-ray disc. That's 30GB, if they were to try to port that it'd need at the very least, with some downgrading, 3 discs! That may seem like no bigge, right? WRONG! This will cause dev.'s to put out 3x as much (money) as usualy per disc! When games come to use up to the full capacity of the Blu-ray's that'll be 6 discs per game! Now, if i was a dev. this would seriously discourage me from porting as many games as are now, or even taking a "system seller" to a different system(that is, unless it was coming from microsoft's dev. team).
Reason #2:Raw Power
Now, in this gen the Raw power is much more even than in last gen, with sony having the slight edge. Now, i know raw power doesn't matter since it's so close but consider this: Your flying through space, and you are going through am asteroid field. As you come up and dodge a meteor you can see all he rocks and matter on it. Now if this scene was detailed enough you'd be pushing all the system's power. Say you didn't have enough power to push? Framerate drops, wierd features popping into view at random. Not very fun anymore? courtsey of GS staff. Scroll to bottom for power comparison
Reason #3:Sony's seniority
Sony's fanbase is much larger than microsofts(gaming) fanbase, pushing the consumers in their direction. They also have been in with 3 gen's, whereas microsoft was a late addition to last gen. This may not have a big effect, but if it becomes close in the end(which i do not forsee;)) this could have an effect.
Now, i know i may be opening Pandora's box here, so no flaming please.*****THIS IS MY BELIEF******(jeez)***edit(by popular demand i suppose): xbox lost(in sales) because it was a late joiner^^^read between the lines
1.your first reason backfires, as i look forward in the future to a two-year long final fantasy. you guys know that blue dragon is
going to be 3 discs long(yes i know it's because of cinematics)? that wouldn't be a problem on ps3.
2.raw power doesn't really matter, as ps2 had crap graphics compared to xbox, and it still outsold it several times over.
3. sony's seniority HELPS sony. i don't know why you would use it against ps3.
finnaly someone on my side, and....the thread title is ^^^why the xbox 360 will lose^^^ not the ps3!!!!! My reasons are for the ps3 to win. Sony's fanbase is much larger than microsofts(gaming) fanbase, pushing the consumers in their direction. They also have been in with 3 gen's, whereas microsoft was a late addition to last gen. This may not have a big effect, but if it becomes close in the end(which i do not forsee) this could have an effect."
While MS was a late addition to last gen, I don't think that's the determining factor for MS. It's the fanbase. I know too many people holding out for a PS3, but the price is just to high for casuals right now. The PS2 is just perfect for the majority of gamers right now. But at least Sony isn't forcing people to upgrade, unlike MS who dumped all of us Xbox 1 owners, and essentially forced people into buying a 360. If that's not the definition of a forced upgrade, I'm not sure what is.
MS has only sold 10+ million consoles. While that sounds big to us, it's not a big number at all as far as numbers needed to secure the top spot this generation. This is what shocks me the most. It's popular to bash Sony right now, especially here at GS, and they did come late to the party, but the "Console War" is just begining. A huge portion of the marketshare is still yet to be won, all you have to do is look at last-gen's numbers of consoles sold and compare them to current numbers. It's wide open.
Once the price comes down, I can see the flood gates opening as there is just a lot more Sony Fans than MS fans, by a very very large margin. It might look slanted here at GS, but this is hardly an accurate depiction of Sony's fanbase.
1&2 Disc Space & Raw Power: True these are advantages and later on the PS3 may get some exclusives because of these advantages like how Xbox got some great exclusives because it was the most powerful (such as Chronicles of Riddick, Ninja Gaiden, KOTOR) but this will not be enough just like it was not enough for Xbox to win last time. Xbox 360 so far is doing fine with DVD's and with its CPU power. Developers are feeling a little cramped with the space but they are making it work. While PS3 may be a little more powerful no one has complained so far about limits with Xbox 360's CPU plus it is much easier to work with. PS3's power would be a bigger advantage if game developers had unlimited resources with respect to money and time, but they do not,.It costs more to make a PS3 game equal to a 360 game let alone one that surpasses a 360 game. The 360 has more bang for the buck.
3 Seniority: The average person's brand loyalty is not that strong. As soon as the company they were loyal too starts making an inferior product to another company they abandon ship and go with the better product. Fanboys here on system wars don't always do this but a normal person does. Name brand recognition helps a lot with marketing. This is what is keeping the PS3 afloat instead of being a total catastrophy but once again it is not enough to win.
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