I've been suspended for 7 days so I'm finally allowed to post again, but during that time I couldn't help, but read many post hoping Uncharted gets below a 9.0 here. Usually those who hope it does "fail" by system wars standards are 360 fanboys and maybe a few others. Honestly have many of you played the first game? I'm talking to those who say "it will flop". The first game was severely under rated this gen similar to Mass Effect(360).
IMO Uncharted 1 was the best title I have played this gen and I'm a huge MGS fan and I've played many games from all platforms. I own them all. I thought the story was portrayed a lot better than MGS4's and it offered a lot more with the exception of multiplayer. Uncharted 1 to me was honestly an easy 9 and I'm sure many people who own the game will agree. Some wont, but that's fine I thought Gears was an 8-8.5, but I understand why others love it although it didn't suite my style. Although it was my favorite experience this gen the lack of multiplayer stopped it from being the juggernaut it could've been. Uncharted 2 seems to offer all the things which held Uncharted 1 back a bit and I'm 100% sure this game will be an AAAE this time around although imo it has already been an AAAE.
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