If you like MW3 than that's cool and all but I just don't understand how people could possibly think it's better or even on the same level as Battlefield 3. If you look at both games it becomes very clear that Battlefield 3 gives you the best value for your money.
Battlefield runs on dedicated servers, MW3 runs on laggy p2p
Battlefield has a higher play count, MW3 same old small number
Battlefield 3 has bigger maps
Battlefield 3 has destructable environemnts, MW3 does not
Battlfefield 3 has a wide range vehicles, MW3 has nothing
Battlefield 3 has better graphics and is on a more powerful engine, MW3 is the same old COD engine and graphics
Battlefield 3 is more realistic like bullets dropping over long distances ect.., MW3 is all about shooting two guns at once and knifing a guy 10 feet away
Battlefield 3 has FULLY customizabel weapons, MW3 just has the same old attachments
Battlefield 3 developers give things to their customers for free and don't charge for stupid stuff, MW3 will have the same rehashed 5 maps for 20$ and will chage for elite mode
Overall it's pretty obvious that Battlefield 3 is the superior product and the one that is more worth your money in terms of content and quality. If you are going to buy MW3 then that is perfectly fine, but I just don't understand how someone could think it's better than Battlefield 3.Just go watch the gameplay videos and you will see that MW3 has nothing on Battlefield 3 besides popularity, which btw does NOT equal better.
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