so far for gears of war 2 we have.
Official Xbox 360 Magazine 9/10
for resistance 2 we have
IGN- 9.5
Resistance 2: Review in OPM UK -9out of 10
gameplayer 9.0
1up B+
gaming heaven 97/100
and just in NZ GAMER 92/100
im pretty confident that resistance 2 is gonna beat gears 2 in scores.especially since a magazine with the word x-box in it gave it only a 9 wich isnt a bad score but were fighting for fractions of a point here .either way both are amazing. resistance 2 has improved much more than gears 2 but that doesnt mean its better just look at god war 2 its hard to improve on amzing game where the gameplay is already a winning formula.
either way there both amazing and there probly wont be more than a .3/4 differnce anyways
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