[QUOTE="mr_pops238"]"Meh" is the best way to describe the wii line up.
Mario 200, mario party 8, metroid prime 3, SSB3, pokemon console RPG 5, etc. And sheep make fun of cows for having sequels. :roll:
Nintendo hasent made a AAA game since N64 and they only had one for it anyway(paper mario).
SPM, projet hammer, disaster, all scream "flop".
The wii is a flop. MGS4 alone pwns everything on the wii.
Well at least you get to enjoy FF 12142133123112 Even though Final Fantasy has a new number on the end it is a different game. All new characters and stories as well as game play in every single version. The same can't be said about anything that Nintendo puts out there. All their first party games are the same characters and game play since the NES days.
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