Games will be D/L'd within 5 years. It is inevitable and there are no impediments. D/L a 300MB TV commercial in seconds...already done. D/L Encyclopedia Brittanica and Websters Visual Dictionary with "55 million words, 100,000 articles, more than 22,000 pictures, maps and more than 400 video clips" in under 4 mins....already done.
We are on the verge of an explosion in transmission D/L capability. Most importantly....using the existing underlying infrastucture backbone....existing fibre optic lines. Problem one solved.
Storage is the least concern. We already are moving towards a single storage space for TV, games, music, video, pictures. Having all that integrated into a single hub (which is already happening) with Terrabytes or more of storage is the simplest, cheapest, easiest thing to do. Storage is comparatively cheap.
Imagine you now can move Gigs or more across everyday networks in seconds. Why do you need to take your disk to your friends house? You will just access it directly from your own house. How many people have a hotmail or equivalent account? Why are none of those people concerned about accessing their account from virtually anywhere on the planet? Because they can access that data, stored somewhere in cyberspace, over any amount of distance, in seconds. You will be able to do that for games etc within a few years.
And the few times we are disconnected??? Do you doubt that we will have Terrabyte memory sticks within a few years?
I realize most of you are very young...whereas I am not....believe me I think you are the lucky ones......but one of the problems with being young is not having a sense of history and the pace of development. 15 years ago we did not have cell phones. Think about that.Â
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