I have yet to see Nintendo make a game that really makes me stand up and say, "You know what? Not only could this only be done on the Wii, but games like this justify my purchase of the system". Nintendo has always been my favorite company (I chose Nintendo over Sega, I chose them over Sony, and even now, I'd choose them over Microsoft), but if the next few years of Wii games don't blow me away, I'll consider my purchase of the system a sad waste of $250. I've enjoyed my Wii, yes, and there are a few games on the system easily worth $50. However, I find very little that makes these games better on the Wii than they would be on the 360/PS3, and this to me is the ultimate failure; I can find plenty of things about 360/PS3 games that the Wii can't match (online, graphics, audio, even content to a certain extent), but so far the only games I'm interested in on the Wii could just as easily have been done on one of the other two systems, and better.
The Wii is justifiably an excellent party system, but I don't buy videogame consoles to entertain my friends (I like to think we can entertain ourselves, and if I'm wrong, a little liquor always helps ;)), but I do buy them to entertain myself, and my PS3 and 360 are doing a much better job at that than my Wii. Nintendo is an awesome company, and they're clearly doing great things for themselves (and in some ways, the industry), but I can't help but feel that the single player aspect that has so long been the staple of most videogames is slowly being phased out in Nintendo's mind. Maybe the Halo generation is to blame for some of it, but the Wii isn't helping. :P
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