-we make fun of casual gamers ,but they outnumber us core gamers in the millions
Yes, but do they outspend core gamers.........the answer is a definite NO. Just because they buy a Wii doesn't mean instant support of buying software.
-ps3 and xbox 360 are going after the same audience which leaves the wii completely unthreathened
Actually a lot of stuff PS3 is releasing and MS future plans seem to really target the Wii audience so that isn't completely true.
-ps3 and xbox 360 are too high of a price for the (140 million ps2 users ) who are still undecided which system they buy
ok.....the X360 is near the same price as the Wii and that hasn't done squat. Price has nothing to do with the success of the Wii, I'm surprised people still use this excuse for their success.
-people hear about the wii, they want to know about the wii & end up buying a wii = power of word of mouth
That is true....and it's also it's biggest weakness. Once they buy it and a game or two......they put it away and never touch it again.
-it's safe to say now that ds and the wii has truly disrupted the industry ,just look @ software sales and wii and ds dominate it
DS dominates handheld software sales, Wii does not donminate console software sales.
wii -30 million sold
xbox 360 -20 million
ps3 -14.5 million sold
p.s it's just a question of when we will see 3rd party core games for the wii ,since 3rd party co's will be foolish to ignore it's userbase which is expected to be @ 50 million by next summer
How long are Sheep going to spew this crap. If 3rd party was intrested in "core games" for the Wii, they wouldn't be throwing them on the PS3 and X360. Face it, it's a sheep fantasy to think the Wii is going to get those core games. Live with your "Deadly Creatures" or "Scooby snacks part 2" or "WiiMusic.....so cool it plays itself!"
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