MAN! You are SO right! Why didn't I see it before!
I mean, I really didn't want to play Metroid Prime 3 (aweome game), or the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (awesome game with a BETTER control scheme), or Super Paper Mario.
Heck, I really must not have wanted to buy a system that has one of the best party games of all time (Wario Ware: Smooth Moves) ((If you don't believe me go play it with 14 other people in the room, it's hilarous)) or even play some Wii Sports (yea that's right, that crappy game that came free with the system is better then half the crap already on the PS3).
And I know that we have absoloutley nothing to look forward to.... except for that whole Mario Galaxy thing .... oh yeah and Smash Brothers ... and Mario Kart ... do I actually need to keep going? you were SO right.
FINALLY there is one smart guy in the town....
yeah i can agree, only mario franchise that will survive nintendo. BUT im sick already with mario honestly...
gameplay and graphic are my primary to play the game... so wii games maybe have good gameplay but have KIDS' graphic..
this year.. wii has only mario galaxy... so screw it
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