First things first; I am a gamer I'm not a console warrior or anything so read before you reply.
Nintendo seem to be the new "Cow" with all the money desparate add-ons / applications... The reason people play video games is to relax or escape from reality. Wii Fit from what i've seen and played is a complete joke, I am a personal trainer and the balance based games are nothing more than a bit of cardio to get you sweating. You could lose more wieght doing a 10 - 20 min jog daily!!! Wii Fit is a total rip off, i'm shocked at the direction Ninty are going in, when i think of Nintendo i think of the good old days, not this new "Money hungy Nintendo". Nintendo need to realise, gamers just want to sit back and relax, not stand up swinging left and right looking like a banshee.
And when playing Wii Fit, it says something about it only being effective if you have a good diet / nutrition plan; which with any diet is true.. you would loose wieght on changing a unhealthy diet to a healthy one anyway.. Nintendo are real sly. Someone tell me why someone would pay £70 for a balance based videogame. When you could get a gym membership? If people really think balancing on a board is going to give them a ripped physique or what ever they think they will gain, they need a reality check.
/Rant over.
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