It's.... so.... beautiful! :cry: Anyhow, Super Mario Galaxy like EVERYONE says... I have a feeling Galaxy 2 might be a visual improvement. Red Steel 2 is probably the best looking but it's entirely cel-shaded and not nearly as colorful and on as big a scale as SMG so Galaxy still wins.
"bu bu bu bu but teh crysis needz to bez recognizees, there's no suchz thingz as category graphcizz kingsz" - Hermit Rant SMG looks pretty good for the Wii.XenogearsMaster
OFFTOPIC: Actually Crysis is most of the time brought in when ever someone attacks PC gaming (e.g omg its dead lol, lol pc gaming is horribad etc.) and then being blatantly arrogaunt in the post. That is when hermits run in with Crysis pictures, its because they're being attacked and will defend their platform (just like any other fanboys so hush if you think its exclusive to hermits). You don't want a shark biting your hand? Then don't attack it. Simple.
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